Mercantile-Militarism and The Art of Psycho-Genocidal WarfareAbdullah Sharif, Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 12:00 (Analyses | Democratie)
Abdullah Sharif
In this article we will take a look at the role of Democracy, Psych-warfare and the place of Muslims under the regime of the New World Order. Yes People, there is a Boogeyman, and he is nasty. Let us get right to the point then. There is no such organization as Al-Qaeda, or other Global Terror Network, these characters were created as part of a fiction that has been unleased against the world. For instance, should any Muslim or exploited and oppressed people expose or oppose the fallacy of democracy, i.e- the mercantile-militarist agenda. Then he or she is disclaimed as an Islamist, Extremist, Terrorist, an Enemy of freedom etc... In truth, the post 911 battle is in full swing as the Boogeymen network of the New World Order attempt to bite down on what they believe to be an easily kill – literally. But before we go further in this article, a working definition of how the a the Muslim community or any group of people can become so easily vilified in such an allegedly “ free and open society |
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