Rogue State Threatens CubaAnonyme, Monday, April 11, 2005 - 08:06 (Analyses)
Dr. James D. Cockcroft
The idea of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meeting in Geneva in March and April 2005 to vote on the situation of human rights in Cuba is obscene. It represents one more criminal manifestation of U.S. aggression against Cuba and threatens all humanity. The government of the United States, exposed as by far and away the world’s worst violator of human rights with its proven record of illegal and unilateral wars of invasion, bombing of schools, hospitals, and civilian residential neighborhoods and use of torture, has no moral or legal credibility when it accuses Cuba or any other nation of violating human rights. It is true that in Cuba there are hundreds of political prisoners being tortured – but not by Cubans. These victims of gross human rights violations are imprisoned in the illegally seized and militarily controlled territory of Guantánamo, where U.S. soldiers and doctors routinely torture people of several nationalities captured and held without any formal legal proceedings. The United States stands condemned by world public opinion as a rogue state. Disregarding international law and ignoring world tribunals and treaties, it threatens all humanity with its weapons of mass destruction, even saying it may use some of them soon. It maintains more than 700 military bases in 132 countries. Conducting wars around the world, it routinely kidnaps, tortures, and disappears people, incarcerates political prisoners under barbaric conditions, and defends its aggressive state-sponsored terrorism under the doctrine of pre-emptive war, a contest of “good against evil,
Note: this article was written for a book being compiled by Atilio A. Borón to be published before the 2005 UN Commission on Human Rights votes on Cuba in Geneva in April; it appeared in CubaNow (www.cubanow.net) and was translated into Spanish and publi
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