Students Swarm Complexe DesjardinsAnonyme, Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 21:55
Charles Mostoller
While a minor scuffle broke out between an IGA security guard and students trying to take a cart out of the IGA, only a small amount of food was taken and the police did not get involved and there was no violence or property destruction. The march was organized by CASSÉÉ and the taking of food from the IGA was a symbolic demonstration that for many people, good food is beyond reach. “We declared that for the day the food in the IGA, the grocery store in the basement of Complex Dejardins, would be free for those who don’t normally have the means to afford good food. We live in a society where a lot of people have the choice of eating shit or eating nothing, so we decided that today all the good cheeses, the good wines, and all the food that a lot of people cant afford, would be free, as an example,
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