
Stuck in the Vieux Montreal CEGEP with the boys in blue again

Anonyme, Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 11:03


March 30, 2005 -- Police surround the student-occupied Vieux Montreal CEGEP, dismantle blockades, and appear to be preparing to take the building. Other students surround the police, and an hour later, they go back from whence they came. In the meantime, the people inside wait for police to move, and play foosball while keeping the table ready to block the doors. After the police leave, students gather to rebuild the barricades. Completely by chance, I was inside when all of this happened, and took some photos.

High resolution versions available (email dru at dru dot ca). All photos are under the Creative Commons 2.0 license (use however you want, but give credit).

DSCN0268.jpg DSCN0288.jpg DSCN0294.jpg DSCN0300.jpg DSCN0305.jpg DSCN0312.jpg DSCN0319.jpg DSCN0321.jpg

Fri, 2005-04-01 11:46

nice pix -- i rearranged them into clickables so that they don't eat up the whole page.

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