
Urgent Press release from from Rayna Moss in Israel

Anonyme, Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 19:16

Rayna Moss

Further punishing the Whistleblower = Democracy At Its Most Dismal and Repressed
Please tell Israel to honor the basic freedoms and rights of a free man in democatic society

International Campaign to Free Vanunu

March 17, 2005


On the afternoon of March 17, Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli nuclear
whistleblower who spent 18 years in prison for exposing Israel's
secret nuclear program, was served with official notice, that he is
to be brought to trial for speaking to the international media.
Vanunu, receiving sanctuary at St. George's Cathedral in East
Jerusalem since his release from prison last April, has been charged
with violating the restrictions that were imposed against him upon
his release from prison. The restrictions, based on the British
Mandate State of Emergency Regulations of 1945, prohibit Vanunu from
making any contact with foreign nationals, speaking to the media,
leaving Israel, coming within 300 meters of a foreign embassy or
international borders and even changing his place of residence
without approval from Israeli security agencies. Vanunu is also
charged of "attempting to leave the country," for his bid to attend
Christmas Eve Mass in Bethlehem, in December 2004. Vanunu is not
being charged with any security breaches or divulging information
concerning Israel's nuclear program, rather, simply for the fact that
he granted interviews to international media.

The restrictions against Vanunu, which will expire next month but may
be renewed indefinitely, were denounced at a press conference held by
the Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu yesterday in East Jerusalem. A
panel of international lawyers and public figures had come to Israel
to lobby for Vanunu's full freedom. Attorney Fredrik Heffermehl
(Norway), an expert on international law who was part of the
international delegation, said today: "The charges against Vanunu are
a red flag to the world media. A man is actually being charged for
the "crime" of speaking to reporters."

Rayna Moss, an Israeli with the International Campaign to Free
Mordechai Vanunu, stated: "A government with grave security, public
safety and social problems to deal with; a government that includes
several members who are under investigation on criminal and
corruption suspicions; a government that continues to pursue a secret
nuclear program that it conceals from its own citizens and from the
world - is prosecuting a citizen merely for speaking to the media.
This is a shameful attempt to silence Vanunu and a gross violation of
his human rights. The restrictions against Vanunu should be revoked
immediately, these pathetic charges should be withdrawn and he should
be let free."

Contact information:

In Israel: Rayna Moss: Tel. 972-50 -7368236, email:
In the USA: Felice Cohen-Joppa, Tel/Fax 520-323-8697, email:
In Britain: Ernest Rodker, Tel. +44-20-8672-9698, e-mail:
In Norway: Fredrik Heffermehl, Tel. +47-2244 8003 Fax: +47-2244 7616

2. AP wire service story

Israeli whistleblower Vanunu indicted
Posted on Thu, Mar. 17, 2005
Associated Press

JERUSALEM - Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was
indicted Thursday for violating the terms of his release from prison,
the Israeli Justice Ministry said.

Vanunu was freed from an Israeli prison in April after completing an
18-year sentence for revealing secrets of Israel's atomic program to
the Sunday Times newspaper in London.

Under the terms of his release, the former technician at the Israeli
nuclear facility in the Negev desert town of Dimona was barred from
leaving Israeli territory and contacting foreigners. The restrictions
were in force for a year and their extension was expected to come up
for consideration in coming weeks.

On numerous occasions, Vanunu has tested the limits of his release by
granting interviews to foreign news media. He also was stopped by
Israeli police on Christmas Eve while attempting to attend Midnight
Mass in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, outside his permitted area
of travel.

Since his release from prison, Vanunu has been living at a Jerusalem
church compound.

Israeli authorities have said they fear Vanunu may have more nuclear
secrets to share with the world. Vanunu, a Jewish convert to
Christianity, has said he has nothing more to disclose and wants to
leave the country.

3. Mordechai Vanunu statement from March 16 Jerusalem press conference


At a Jerusalem press conference yesterday, March 16, with Daniel
Ellsberg (US), Jennifer Harbury (US), Fredrik Heffermehl (Norway) and
Rayna Moss (Israel), Vanunu said, "I have no more secrets to tell and
have not set foot in Dimona for more than 18 years. I have been out
of prison, although not free, for one year. Despite the illegal
restrictions on my speech, I have again and again spoken out against
the use of nuclear weapons anywhere and by any nation. I have given
away no sensitive secrets because I have none. I have not acted
against the interests of Israel nor do I wish to. I have been
investigated by the police again and again, and re-arrested twice,
but they have found nothing. I have done nothing but speak for peace
and world safety from a nuclear disaster...

"I did not seek to harm Israel, but rather to warn of an enormous
danger. I do not seek to harm Israel now. I want to work for world
peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. I want the human race to

4. Action Alert: Israeli government contact information


The severe restrictions placed on Mordechai Vanunu upon his release
from prison April 21, 2004 are a grave injustice which keep Vanunu
from truly being free after serving his full 18 year sentence in
Ashkelon Prison. The restrictions violate Vanunu's freedom of speech
and association, and forbid him from leaving Israel. These March 17
indictments, just a month before Vanunu's restrictions are to be
reviewed, are a continued outrage. We need to tell Israel to stop
punishing him, dismiss these indictments, lift the restrictions and
let him go.

Please contact the following officials:

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
3 Kaplan St.
Hakirya, Jerusalem 91007 ISRAEL
Fax: +972 2 566 4838

Ms. Tsippi Livni
Minister of Justice
29 Salah al-Din St.
Jerusalem 91010 ISRAEL
Fax: +972 2 628 5438

Mr. Gideon Ezra
Minister of Internal Security
P.O. Box 18182
Jerusalem 91181 ISRAEL
Fax: +972 2 581 1832

Daniel Ayalon, Ambassador of Israel
3514 International Drive NW
Washington, DC 20008 US
Fax: 202-364-5607

For those in the U.S., information for Israeli Embassy in D.C.:

Daniel Ayalon, Ambassador of Israel
3514 International Drive NW
Washington, DC 20008 US
Phone: 202-364-5500
Fax: 202-364-5607

Visit or to find the contact
information for Israeli Embassies in your country.

Felice Cohen-Joppa
U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
POB 43384
Tucson, AZ 85733
Phone/Fax 520-323-8697

Further punishing the Whistleblower = Democracy At Its Most Dismal and Repressed Please tell Israel to honor the basic freedoms and rights of a free man in democatic society

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