
Canadian Peace Alliance Joins Call for Haiti Coup Protests

Anonyme, Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 13:41

The Canadian Peace Alliance joins with Haiti solidarity organizations and
human rights groups in calling for a focus on Canada's role in Haiti as part
of international days of protest, February 26 to 28.

February 11, 2005

Canadian Peace Alliance joins call for protests on anniversary of coup in

Actions are planned across the country to mark and protest the 1-year
anniversary of the coup d'etat in Haiti against the government of
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was overthrown on February 29, 2004 with the
backing of the United States, France and Canada.

The Canadian Peace Alliance joins the call for mobilizations February 26 to
28 to protest the ongoing occupation and human rights violations in Haiti.
Protests and other actions are already planned in Montreal, Ottawa and

While the world prepares for days of action March 19-21 to once again
condemn the occupation of Iraq, it is important to also highlight other
illegal regime changes and occupations, such as the one underway in Haiti.
Reports indicate that supporters of the democratically elected Aristide and
his Lavalas Party are being systematically targeted for repression and
assassination. U.S. lawyer Tom Griffin has recently documented the appalling
situation in Haiti in a comprehensive report available from the University
of Miami's Center for the Study of Human Rights. (

At its November 2004 convention, the Canadian Peace Alliance condemned the
coup and occupation in Haiti, and, in particular, criticized the central
role that the government of Canada has played. An emergency resolution was
passed to call for withdrawal of Canadian forces from the occupation, and
for a full investigation into the Liberal government's participation in the
planning and execution of the regime change against Aristide. This year's
World Social Forum recently passed a resolution that includes demands to
release political prisoners being held by the Latortue regime and to return
Aristide to Haiti to complete his democratic mandate.

When asked about the possibility of sending Canadian troops to Iraq, Prime
Minister Paul Martin himself has pointed to the importance of his
government's complicity with the Bush Administration's policies in countries
like Haiti. "There's a limit to our resources," Martin said in October 2004,
"and that's why I'm putting the focus right now on Afghanistan, on Haiti."

The Canadian Peace Alliance joins with Haiti solidarity organizations and
human rights groups in calling for a focus on Canada's role in Haiti as part
of international days of protest, February 26 to 28.

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