
Censorship at US Indymedia

scottl44, Saturday, February 5, 2005 - 20:23


Indymedia seems very infiltrated in the US.

Do we call it censorship when Indymedia collectives remove links to commentary from their home page? I do. Meanwhile, Indymedia has been doing this to me in several places.

First, I posted an article entitled "911 and the Society of the Spectacle' to New York's IMC. Here it is:

New York's IMC removed it within 30 minutes. I tried to post screenshots of NY IMC's censorship at Portland IMC. They would not let it get on their newswire.

I posted the screenshots on Portland IMC the next morning:

they waited a couple of hours and then took this link off their home page.

Is US Indymedia under control of the US Department Homeland Security? It sure seems that way.
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Crying over ...
Sat, 2005-02-05 22:49

What the fuck are you whining about?

Your article is still at the url you provide here, therefore it is not censored.

Get your shit straigth, cabron.

IMC collectives don't have a responsibility to promote your, or any one else's, articles or features.

What are you expecting?

>>Is US Indymedia under control of the US Department Homeland Security?

Yeah , that's it. Whatch out for the monster under your bed too.

[ ]

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