
Haiti lies

Anonyme, Friday, January 28, 2005 - 13:08

yves engler

did Jimenez look into the veracity of Paul Martin’s claim that there are no political prisoners in Haiti? Did she discuss why Canada has released aid – and demanded other governments do likewise – to a regime with absolutely no democratic legitimacy?Did Jimenez focus on Canada’s connection, as head of the United Nations police force, to the increasingly murderous Haitian police, who target poor youth and even journalists who witness their misdeeds?

The Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper, finally decided to report on Canadian operations in Haiti. In Saturday’s paper Marina Jimenez wrote about Canada’s ongoing role in the hemisphere’s poorest nation.

But did Jimenez look into the veracity of Paul Martin’s claim that there are no political prisoners in Haiti? Did she discuss why Canada has released aid – and demanded other governments do likewise – to a regime with absolutely no democratic legitimacy? (This only two years after refusing aid to Haiti’s democratic government based on claims of electoral irregularities in seven of 7000 elected positions.) Did Jimenez focus on Canada’s connection, as head of the United Nations police force, to the increasingly murderous Haitian police, who target poor youth and even journalists who witness their misdeeds?

No. While Jimenez at least quoted a Haitian saying “you, the Canadians, the French and the Americans … sent Mr. Aristide into exile

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