
US Vote Fraud & The CBC

Anonyme, Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 15:02

Jordan Thornton

I just wanted to pass this along, so that the people cannot claim ignorance on this issue. I hope you will help put pressure on their producers.

I have been flooding the CBC (I don't even bother with the other guys - I used to work for one of them ...) with information on the reported fraud behind the 2nd Bush "win", hoping that they would simply mention the fact that the results are in dispute. I spoke to several of the challengers in Ohio, and passed their comments on as well.

To this day, NOTHING. I just wanted to pass this along, so that these people cannot claim that they have not seen the information.

I'm not looking for the CBC to condemn the election. I know they will not do this. I simply want them to acknowledge the FACT that many contest the results, and that there ARE serious reasons for them to do so.

If you'd like to send them your own message, the addy is or - or you can search for other addies at:

Here is the message I sent today - Just one day before the Inauguration.

Hello again,

I sincerely hope that you aren't planning to cover the US Presidential Inauguration tomorrow, without at least drawing attention to the myriad of "irregularities" present in the election, the concerns of the International Observers, who noted "systemic fraud", or the recent challenge of the election results, and the resulting actions taken by Republicans to block any investigation.

I hope you will do a story on the TWO companies, Diebold and ES & S, who counted the votes, their production of proven-fallable touch-screen systems, as well as the fact that both companies are headed by hardcore GOP supporters.

To fail to do so would be to ignore an entire portion of the story unfolding, and would be shameful, sloppy journalism, to say the least. It would be an abuse of the public airwaves. If so, when Bush/PNAC's Fascism grows stronger, bolder, and more deadly, you'll have nobody to blame, because you aided these terrorist SOB's.

I've posted this message around the Independent Media system, as well as to several activist groups both in Canada and the USA, and a couple of the people involved in the Ohio challenge, just so people know that you have seen this, and much more, information on these matters.

Here's hoping, once more ...

Jordan Thornton
(306) XXX-XXXX

2004 U.S. presidential election controversy and irregularities

Suppression, Fraud and Breakdown: Voting Problems Emerge in States Across the Country

Your Suspicions Were Correct:
The Corporate Elite Determined the Election
20 Amazing Facts about Voting in the U.S.A.

Election Fraud in America

Integrity—or the lack of integrity—of the recent U.S. presidential election:
Evidence of Fraud in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: A Reader

Russian Observer Shocked by U.S. Election Procedures
"A Russian parliamentarian taking part in international monitoring of the U.S. presidential elections has said that the elections were held in violation of U.S. law and that that he was shocked after seeing how the elections were held."

Evidence of Fraud in US Election-House Judiciary Committee Report

Touch-screen voting machines dumped
"According to a statement released by Blackwell's office yesterday afternoon, Canton-based Diebold Elections Systems is one of two vendors authorized to sell optical-scan machines to local election boards. The other approved vendor is Election Systems & Software based in Omaha, Nebraska." (Both companies are owned by hardcore Republican GOP supporters.)

Ohio AG Seeks To Sanction Attorneys Over Vote Challenge
"The challenge was withdrawn last week, with those contesting the election saying it was clear they would be dismissed as moot with Bush set to be inaugurated Thursday."

But the Republicans certainly seemed frightened about the possibility of having to defend the election results, too afraid for people who won legitimately.

"President Bush said the public's decision to reelect him was a ratification of his approach toward Iraq and that there was no reason to hold any administration officials accountable for mistakes or misjudgments in prewar planning or managing the violent aftermath." (See Next Story ...)

Majority of Americans disapprove of Bush's Iraq policy, polls say
"Despite President George W. Bush belief that by reelecting him Americans expressed support for the war on Iraq, two opinion polls published showed the opposite: the majority think the war was a mistake and disapprove of the way he is handling things in Iraq."

Was Election 2004 a Fraud?

US Vote Fraud 2004: Articles: November 6, 2004

A televisual fairyland
The US (Canadian?) media is disciplined by corporate America into promoting the Republican cause,12271,1392797,00.html

U.S. presidential election, 2004,_2004

It's the Major Media that deserves investigating,
as to why they are not reporting this theft, in earnest

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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