
Bicycle Film Festival: Call For Entries

Anonyme, Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 21:18

Darren Cervi

The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its fifth annual Festival. The event will feature dozens of different films on a variety of bicycle styles - from BMX to alley cats, cycling to commuting. The 2004 Festival was a great success with many sold out showings. This year’s festival is larger then ever and will have showings in New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and London! Many hot new films will premiere, and there will be appearances from many of the top pros and personalities in the cycling and film community.
To find out more, please visit,

The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2005.

Any questions call Brendt Barbur 212 726 8505

The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its fifth annual Festival. The event will feature dozens of different films on a variety of bicycle styles - from BMX to alley cats, cycling to commuting. The 2004 Festival was a great success with many sold out showings. This year’s festival is larger then ever and will have showings in New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and London! Many hot new films will premiere, and there will be appearances from many of the top pros and personalities in the cycling and film community.

We encourage YOU to submit films with these guidelines to enter: All lengths. Short is great. All genres: animation, narratives, docs, experimental, Hollywood, cycling, and so on. The festival is more than films, it also features music, parties, fun, bicycle parade, and art exhibitions.

To find out more, please visit,

The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2005.

Any questions call Brendt Barbur 212 726 8505
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