Report-back from the January 2005 Native Delegation to Zapatista Territory and Indigenous MexicoIPSM, Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 12:10 2005-01-19 19:00 2005-01-19 23:00 Maison de lAmiti?
Report-back from the January 2005 Native Delegation AND Zine Launch of PHOTO PRESENTATION and STORY-TELLING January 19th REPORT BACK: On January 1st, the five-member delegation arrived in Zapatista Autonomous Delegation members include activists with: -- the Skwelkwek^?welt Protection Center, who are currently struggling against AND ZINE LAUNCH: LONG Before LONG After: 512 Years of Resistance This zine presents an introductory look into Indigenous Peoples' - 'Colonization and Nation Building' by Aaron Mercredi Also available online: !!! COME AND JOIN US !!! ** Organized by the following solidarity organizations in Mlt & Mexico ** Montreal: Mexico: FOR MORE INFO EMAIL: sar...@resist.ca |
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