
Media as the Judge: The case of accused Eco-Terrorist Tre Arrow

Anonyme, Saturday, January 1, 2005 - 14:27

the Tre Arrow Defense Committee

Tre Arrow, an environmentalist, refugee and political prisoner, has been incarcerated in Canada for over nine months. He’s awaiting an extradition hearing which would see him returned to his native country, the United States. While incarcerated, Mr. Arrow’s case has gained international attention. Early this spring Mr. Arrow held an astonishing 44 day hunger strike in “solidarity with all those suffering around the world as a result of corporate agendas which leave in their wake poisoned water, contaminated air and lack of adequate food.

Tre Arrow, an environmentalist, refugee and political prisoner, has been incarcerated in Canada for over nine months. He’s awaiting an extradition hearing which would see him returned to his native country, the United States. While incarcerated, Mr. Arrow’s case has gained international attention. Early this spring Mr. Arrow held an astonishing 44 day hunger strike in “solidarity with all those suffering around the world as a result of corporate agendas which leave in their wake poisoned water, contaminated air and lack of adequate food.
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Tre's Actions say it all
Wed, 2005-01-05 04:54

What happened to Tre Arrow !

He was caught STEALING Bolt Cutters from a Canadian Tire store!
He Assulted the arresting Police Officer!!
He entered and stayed in Canada illegally !!!

3 strikes he's out !!!

He's "Not Welcome" in Canada.

He's certainly "NOT" a Refugee nor a Political Prisoner.

He chose the life of a "Violent Criminal".

Let him stay in jail and get deported..... He's earned it.

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