
Les miserables.

Anonyme, Friday, December 31, 2004 - 11:10

Michel Dehaene.

Indymedia Quebec is biased and double-minded.

An article was submitted here about globalization and generosity. Since it could not be recurred, we have to conclude it has been deleted. We wonder by what regulations this has been done, but could find no fatal error whatever and must conclude that the multilingual, multicultural pretence of Indmedia Quebec is just an other form of bias. As far as insults are concerned: taking offence unnecessarily is the greatest form of hypocrisy and insult and will have juridical consequences in this case. It is possible that the offence is seen only in the chosen language of the article, exemplifying a form of conceit that is ridiculed around the world, except in the Ivory Tower od French nationalism and Gaullism. Manipulation and self- maniplation are still the only way for the Frech- speaking community here and elsewhere on earth to maintain the grandeur and supspence of French culture, which has already deluded so many, and wasted so many lives. I wish you a speedy recovery, but I am worried this is only possible by civil war.
In any case: Indymedia Quebec is fascist,and manipulated by the same imperialism that has caused so many frightened small folk and imbeciles elsewhere. It pretends to have a decency and self- esteem by which everyting is insulting. For only a Louis 14, 15 or 16 or other effeminate world-gays could take offence like you do. This means you have drifted away from reality too far already. What has not been published here will be published around the world, including your type of censorship; in- depth and psychiatrically. What has been whispered in secret will be shouted from the rooftops, as it were. But I suppose Francophone culture will not understand such metaphor, and be vain enough to take offence again. What else can this anachronism do to survive, but be offended? Pretend it supports the poor and depraved, especially the mentally depraved.

Offence and freedom of the press must be genuine. Norms and values are no pretence.

Insane in the membrane...
Sat, 2005-01-01 01:48

Hey buddy, take a pill willya!

Your article on "generosity" has been published on this site, at this URL

You had published it on - 27/12/2004 - at 10:40.

It was validated just now due to a break some of us simple folk take around this time of year. You may have heard of it. We call it holidays. In french, "vacances" or "congés" or "période de repos"

We are sorry that it took 4 days for your article to be published, but I suggest nonetheless that you chill the f##k out.

What with the anti-french comments and all that?
That doesn't sound too generous there pardner! You might want to ponder the qualities of another classic virtue: patience.

On a different topic, I recognise the greatness of generosity just as much as the next guy, but the site you refer to in your article is a little bit flaky for my personal taste.

Call me an evil egotist if you like,but even though Maitreya & the Gang makes for a glorious headtrip and a good larff, my flawed and weak conscience fails to see the relevance of this messianic stuff with the reality of social justice struggles.

You can keep on meditating on ignorance, anger and attachment, that's cool. I do it myself all the time. But, waiting for the World Teacher (!) to come down and fix shit up hardly seems like a healthy choice of life.

May the force be with you, mate.

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