WANTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST MOHAWK SOVEREIGNTY!Anonyme, Sunday, December 26, 2004 - 00:14 (Analyses | Aboriginal Nations | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Elections & partis | Politiques & classes sociales | Racism | Resistance & Activism) The future of Canadian/Indigenous relations is being played out, right now, in the Mohawk Nation of Kanehsatake. Kanehsatake residents urgently request your presence to help prevent bloodshed in their community, and bring an end to federal and provincial sponsored aggression. The community is calling for a Mohawk-to-Mohawk, peaceful resolution to the crisis - one not under the gun. Solidarity with Kanehsatake means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the community and sharing in the burden of their struggle. If you can`t make it to Kanehsatake, call all Canadian & Quebec officials involved in this ploy. Demand they respect the Mohawk peoples` right to determine an end to this crisis, and their political, economic and policing future. WANTED James Gabriel Paul Martin, Prime Minister Andy Mitchell, Dept. Indian Affairs Anne McLellan, Canada Dept. Jacques Chagnon Benoit Pelletier, Quebec Jean Charest, Premier Quebec SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLES OF KANEHSATAKE! Grand Chief James Gabriel of the Kanehsatake Band Council is a politician dazzled by powers given by Quebec & Canada no matter the cost to his community. People in Kanehsatake are fed up with Canada & Quebec’s attempts to use Gabriel to undermine Mohawk sovereignty, culture, land rights and economies. Learning about Gabriel’s deals with government only through press releases, the community`s been excluded from decision making - a cornerstone of the consensus-based Mohawk culture. With Gabriel’s help, Canada has nearly accomplished its goal of subordinating Kanehsatake’s sovereign national status to that of a municipality through Bill S-24, the “Kanesatake Land Based Governance Act
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