Haiti's Puppet Prime Minister [War Criminal] Coming to MontrealAnonyme, Thursday, December 9, 2004 - 10:50 The same Canadian officials, who conspired to destroy Haiti's democracy with the forceful removal of Haiti's elected government, are currently in the process of following through with the international communities' ultimate plans to place Haiti under direct occupation with the pretext of an "international protectorate." To that end, Canadian foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew is Montreal Conference with the Chalabis of Haiti Below is an announcement of a Conference to be held by the Chalabis of Haiti The same Canadian officials, who conspired to destroy Haiti's democracy with the forceful removal of Haiti's elected government, are currently in the process of following through with the international communities' ultimate plans to place Haiti under direct occupation with the pretext of an "international protectorate." To that end, Canadian foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew is We at the Haitian Lawyers Leadership take this opportunity to state that the Chalabis of Canada, like Gerald Latortue and his "interim government," have Moreover, the Canadian officials calling for this conference have no credibility with protecting the rule of law in Haiti. No resolution to come out of this new "Ottawa Initiative", this time with the Chalabis of Haiti, actually in the room in attendance with the foreign interventionist, shall have any validity or be relevant whatsoever to the "We are under extreme pressure from the international community to use violence," General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro told a congressional commission in Brazil. He cited the United States, France and Canada among countries pressing for the use of force against armed groups." ( For two hundred years, Haiti's greatest problem has been foreign domination, debt and dependency. By any means necessary, we commit, that, in this year marking Haiti's 200 anniversary of independence, no occupation shall be legitimized. This new attempt Colonialism is an act of war. Haitians worldwide intend to come together to denounce, in one voice, all efforts by the morally repugnant elite of Haiti to legitimaze their rule by gun. Only free and fair elections in Haiti is We demand the immediate return of the rule of law to Haiti and respect for the ballot box. Paul Martin and Pierre Pettigrew's efforts to cement the Feb. 29, 2004 victory over the ballot by putting a "Haitian face" to the Canadian/France/US-led effort to re-colonize the people of Haiti are transparent and repulsive to the extreme, not to mention another callous example of their bottomless racism. No Haitian worthy of the gift of liberty fought and bled for by our African ancestors shall stand silent as this final humiliation is being metered upon all of us by Paul Martin, Pierre Petttigrew, Jack Chirac or George W. Bush and the Chalabis of Haiti. We shall agitate, agitate, agitate until Haiti is free, all political prisoner liberated and the Chalabis of Haiti and their death Marguerite Laurent, Esq. ***** Invitation Conférence de Montréal avec la Diaspora Haïtienne Le Ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada,l'honorable Pierre Merci aux organisations de limiter leur participation à deux représentants. Programme Vendredi 10 décembre 17:00-19:00 Inscription des participants 19:00-21:00 Ouverture de la Conférence-Allocutions 1 Ministre des affaires du canada,co-président de la conférence Réception. Samedi 11 décembre 9:00-9:15 Iinauguration officielle de la conférence par le Premier 13:00-14:30 Déjeuner et intervention du Premier Ministre Défacto Gérard 14:30-16:15 Discussions en Groupes de travail 16:15-16:30 Pause Santé 17:30_17:45 Conclusion de la Conférence par les Ministres Allen Conseil d'administration de la Journée Coordonnateurs: Ordre et Discipline : Anne Métellus Adresse du Spectacle : |
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