
December 6, 2004

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 19:21

Darren Smith

On an ugly anniversary December 6, 1989 passes unheeded but for those who are paying attention not just to misogynistic crimes. There are crimes against men, police laughing at a man who is brutally beaten by his wife. The child that is abused, humiliated and forced into an environment that is beyond words. Make no mistake the occurence of abuse, hardly lessens the effects of broken bones, serious injuries and emotional wounds that many endure and suffer indignations. It is even worse when they face laughter from the general public as well as other forms of criticism, reprisals and even scorn. Violence is violence no matter who is perpetrating, involuntary participant and unfortunate witness subject to these cruel episodes.

Yesterday was an ugly anniversary of a tragic proportion in Montreal's Concordia University. It is violence against anyone that concerns me, whether it is women at a college, a man being stabbed 2 cms from his main aoerta and denied medical attention for more than 48 hours. It is the issue of spousal abuse, child neglect and dismissal of individual rights that can be a signal of slavery. Observing societal segmentation can reveal some ugliness and baseless suppositions, truly unveil the bigots and racist individuals. It is enlightening to see a young woman being beaten up for not being GAY ENOUGH in Toronto, ON. The animosity that people have for those who are different and not a part of the RAINBOW COMMUNITY, glares, stares and even some choice words. There are people who do realise that the display of these morays, just slightly off-putting and socially distorted view of ones life! Peace comes from within and when we do not seek in our individual lives, the time available is wasted. Vanity is a play thing and the dehumanised a mere annoyance in our pursuit for an End Time.

Remembering all who have suffered indignations, death and humiliation in this short time span is the only honourable thing to do. I, personally think of the man in Mississauga, ON who was beaten and stabbed by his wife and then ignored for more than 48 hours without any medical attention. My friend Mary who was beaten up by her ex and then again by others who claimed she isn't GAY enough. The women, men and especially children who are abandonned, used as SEX DOLLS, ignored and dismissed onto the streets of any large city. I think of the Thailanese women who were sold into the SEX TRADE and brought to Canada for someone else's entertainment or the many who are duped into believing that different peoples are the unseen enemy. In the words of the late Stiv Bators "OPEN YOUR EYES, SEE THE LIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, OPEN YOUR EYES"

My friends, family and loved ones I have chosen to see the atrocities and call them as such. I will write and speak of them as often as I can, so when others can speak for me when I am unable to.

Thank You and Please Remember all people who have suffered not just a significant few!

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