

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 13:52

Alcan't In India

Des dizaines de manifestants se rassemblent sur le parvis d'Alcan a Montréal pour dénoncer les brutalités commises en son nom

Montréal, le 16 décembre, 2004
-Pour diffusion immédiate-

Aujourd'hui, le groupe de solidarité Alcan't in India tenait une manifestation devant le quartier général d'Alcan, a Montréal, pour commémorer le meurtre de trois villageois anti-mine il y a quatre ans dans la région du Kashipur, en Inde. En même temps, des rapports indépendants en provenance d'Inde révèlent que des voyous, à l'emploi de la compagnie depuis 3 ans, ont attaqué plusieurs délégations qui tentaient d'entrer dans la région pour y observer la commémoration du Jour des Martyrs du Kashipur.

“Juste avant la manifestation, nous avons reçu des nouvelles de Sudhir Pattnaik, un journaliste indépendant basé en Orissa, que 7 000 résidents locaux se sont rassemblés plus tôt pour commémorer la fusillade du 16 décembre 2000 et pour réaffirmer leur opposition a la mine,


Des dizaines de manifestants se rassemblent sur le parvis d'Alcan a Montréal pour dénoncer les brutalités commises en son nom

Montréal, le 16 décembre, 2004
-Pour diffusion immédiate-

Aujourd'hui, le groupe de solidarité Alcan't in India tenait une manifestation devant le quartier général d'Alcan, a Montréal, pour commémorer le meurtre de trois villageois anti-mine il y a quatre ans dans la région du Kashipur, en Inde. En même temps, des rapports indépendants en provenance d'Inde révèlent que des voyous, à l'emploi de la compagnie depuis 3 ans, ont attaqué plusieurs délégations qui tentaient d'entrer dans la région pour y observer la commémoration du Jour des Martyrs du Kashipur.

“Juste avant la manifestation, nous avons reçu des nouvelles de Sudhir Pattnaik, un journaliste indépendant basé en Orissa, que 7 000 résidents locaux se sont rassemblés plus tôt pour commémorer la fusillade du 16 décembre 2000 et pour réaffirmer leur opposition a la mine,
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Les Naxalites vont intervenir.
Mon, 2004-12-13 07:23

Le PWG (People War Group - CPI Maoïst) envisage des actions contre la compagnie canadienne et les forces de répression. La presse internationale ne parlera certainement pas de ça, mais tenez-vous informés auprès des médias indiens.

Salutations internationalistes.

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Toutes les tendances de la gauche indienne unies contre Alcan
Mon, 2004-12-13 18:25

En fait, dans un cas assez rare en Inde, la gauche du PCI, du PCI(M) du PCI (ML) et plein d'autre groupes gauchistes se sont unis pour dénoncer la répression contre les habitants du Kashipur.

Mais selon nos sources sur le terrain, les médias locaux et nationaux étouffent complètement l'histoire. On nous rapporte que des pressions ont été faites sur les salles de rédaction pour garder le silence sur l'affaire.

Les événements de la semaine dernière n'ont eu aucune couverture dans la presse indienne.

Pour ce qui est d'Alcan, les directeurs et les portes-parole font l'autruche.

Suite à l'action urgente et la conférence de presse d'Alcan't in India, la semaine dernière, la section Affaires de La Presse a publié un article pas trop mal.

Le spin officiel d'Alcan c'est: ils ont l'accord de la population; et le projet est toujours au stade "consultatif" et de "développement", ce qui est complètement ridicule si on considère qu'il y a des affrontements et une intimidation policière quotidienne, que la région est pratiquement coupée du monde par une occupation policière massive, que la construction du poste de police bat son plein depuis les affrontements de la semaine dernière et que le but de toute cette commotion est de commencer la construction d'une route d'accès vers le site proposé pour la mine!!

Venez nombreux à la manifestation de jeudi. À midi.
C'est au 1188, Sherbrooke Ouest, devant la maison d'Alcan.
On va leur faire savoir que, tôt ou tard, ILS VONT DEVOIR PRENDRE LEURS RESPONSABILITÉS!!!

Pour ce qui est des naxalites, connaissant leurs méthodes peu subtiles, je ne suis pas persuadé que leur intervention se fera dans l'intérêt du mouvement populaire.

Nous espérons seulemnent que personne se fera buter.

Tôt ou tard le conflit fera surface et les masques tomberont.
L'affrontement sera réglé là bas. Pas ici. Alcan ne pourra pas dire qu'on ne les a pas mis en garde.

[ ]

Dépêche d'Inde
Tue, 2004-12-14 00:42

J'aimerais savoir ce qu'Alcan a à répondre à ceci...

Independent Media, 09/12/2004

Progressive parties and organizations in Orissa express solidarity and
support for the Kashipur Movement. Representatives to attend Martyr's Day
at Kashipur

In an unprecedented move, the left and the progressive political
parties in Orissa, came together in response to a call given by Loka
Pakshya to express their solidarity with the fighting tribals and
dalits in Kashipur, Orissa, who have been at the receiving end of
state patronized and corporate sponsored violence. The Political
parties and organizations which included CPI-M, CPI, SUCI, CPI-ML (Red
Flag), CPI-ML (Liberation), CPI-ML (New Democracy), Samajbadi Party,
Samajbadi Jana Parishad, Loka Shakti Abhijan, Utkal Sarovodaya Mandal and
Loka Pakshya, deliberated for a long time on the 12 years old
Kashipur People's movement which has turned itself into the struggle
against imperialism in Orissa today. At the end they adopted the
following Resolution:

"While condemning in no uncertain terms the repeated brutal efforts of the
State administration and Company authorities with the purpose of
repressing a well justified movement which the people of Kashipur have
carried out for the last 12 years to protect their lives and
livelihoods, we urge upon the State to protect their inalienable right to
protest. Along with this we call upon the State to immediately
withdraw all armed (police) forces deployed in Kashipur with the
purpose of suppressing the people's movement. We also demand that the
State Government immediately withdraw all false cases filed against the
genuine agitators in Kashipur movement as well as the cases filed against
their sympathizers/supporters. We express our total solidarity with the
Kashipur movement.

This Resolution is being adopted and signed by the following
representatives of following political parties and organizations
present at the Nagbhushan Bhavan, Bhubaneswar, today i.e. 09/12/2004.
These like minded political parties and organizations also decided to
undertake the following programmes in order to express their
solidarity with the people of Kashipur.

1. A delegation consisting representatives of all the like minded
politically parties and organizations assembled at Nagbhushan Bhavan on
9th Dec. shall attend the Martyr's day Program at Kashipur on 16th Dec.,
2004 which is being organized by PSSP. The sitting MLAs and the ex-MLAs of
concerned parties will also be requested to attend the
program personally.
2. A symbolic protest meeting will be organized in front of Orissa
Legislative Assembly, Bhubaneswar on the same day by the same
political parties and organizations to highlight the cause of Kashipur
3. The participants of the meeting also decided to request Prof.
Bhagabat Prasad Rath to defer his proposed "fast unto death" scheduled to
start from the12th Dec. in order to protest police atrocities in Kashipur.

This resolution is being signed by the State Secretaries of all the
political parties and organizations present in the meeting

Janardan Pati, Secreatry, CPI-M
Bijoy Mohanty, Member, Polit Bureau, CPI
Khitish Biswal, State Secretary, CPI-ML (Liberation)
Gananath Patro, State Secretary, CPI-ML
Sivaram, State Secretary, CPI-ML (Red Flag)
Bhalla Chandra, State Secretary, CPI-ML (New Democracy)
Durjati Das, SUCI
Baisnab Parida, President, Samajwadi Party
Lingaraj, Samajwadi Jana Parishad
Prafulla Samantra, President, Lok Shakti Abhijan
Rajendra Sarangi, Convenor, Loka Pakshya
Ramakant Mandal, Secretary, Utkal Sarvodaya Mandal
Abhiram Behera, General Secretary, Orissa Krushak Sabha
Satish Mishra, President, AIYF
Jyotiranjan Mahapatra, State Secretary, AISF

[ ]

Et qu'est-ce qu'Alcan répond à ceci?
Tue, 2004-12-14 01:20

An expression of solidarity from Tamilnadu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: C.R Bijoy
Date: 10 Dec 2004 17:19:13 -0000
Subject: TN Groups Condemn Orissa Violence

Subject: TN Groups Condemn Orissa Violence
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:38:06 +0530
From: Nityanand Jayaraman

TN Organisations Condemn Orissa Violence Against Adivasis, Dalits
CHENNAI, 10 December, 2004 – On Human Rights Day, human rights and
public interest organisations in Chennai have condemned the violence
unleashed by the Orissa state government on adivasis of the Kashipur
block, Rayagada District. The adivasis are protesting the forcible
takeover of their lands to make way for Utkal Alumina's bauxite mine and
refinery, promoted by the Aditya Birla group and Canadian mining giant
Alcan. They have appealed to the National Human Rights
Commission and the Government of India to end the oppression of
adivasis by the Orissa Government, and have resolved to take action in
solidarity against the Orissa Government's anti-democratic rule.

Chennai activists have expressed concern that in the absence of
access to the adivasi areas under siege, the Orissa Government can engage
in all kinds of excesses to suppress dissent by Kashipur
residents. They have demanded an immediate withdrawal of police force,
cancellation of the controversial mining project and public access to the
Kashipur villages. They have also demanded strict action against the Chief
Minister who has directed the police action.

On November 25, Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik was quoted as
saying that anti-mining struggles will be firmly dealt with. From late
November, villages that are protesting the Utkal Alumina project
proposed on their lands have been under siege by the police. On
December 1, 2004, a peaceful gathering of about 300 adivasis and dalit
residents, predominantly women, was lathicharged. Since then, all
entry into and exit from the Kashipur villages have been barred, and the
police has reportedly resorted to indiscriminate and unprovoked physical
violence against the adivasi and dalit residents.

Local sources say that the upswing in police violence is in
preparation for a January inauguration of Utkal's complex in Karal
village. Utkal's project to mine Baphlimali, a sacred hill of the
adivasis, ran into resistance from the start. In the 12 years that the
project has been hanging fire because of local opposition, the company has
not been allowed to lay the foundation stone for its project. On December
16, 2000, Orissa police fired into a group of adivasis in Maikanch killing
two youth and a middle-aged man. Norsk Hydro – a Norwegian company a
stake in Utkal at the time – withdrew from Utkal following criticism in
Norway for its complicity in human rights
abuses in Orissa.

Tamilnadu organisations that are taking action in solidarity with the
adivasi and dalit residents of Kashipur include: Fisher Movements
Coordination of Tamilnadu (Prof. Fathima Babu), South Indian Fisher Union
(K. Bharathi), Tamilnadu Meenavar Munnetra Sangam (B. Maran), Consumer
Action Group (Bharat Jairaj), Tamilnadu Women's Collective (Sheelu
Francis), Kanchi District People's Forum (Magesh) and Ambedkar People's
Liberation Front (Adv. Parventhan), The Other Media
(Nityanand Jayaraman), Human Rights Tamilnadu Initiative and People's
Union for Civil Liberties Chennai Chengai District (D. Nagasaila).

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