January 20 Call to Action: RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful TomorrowAnonyme, Saturday, November 27, 2004 - 21:46
DC Anti-War Network
RISE Against Bush A Call for Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005 Every morning, the sun rises up, penetrating and overcoming the darkness of night. What once was dark becomes bright, changed by the force of the sun's rays. Our world is in darkness tonight, plagued with war, poverty, environmental destruction, and attacks on many of the liberties that so many of us hold dear. The darkness over our world has grown yet darker with the election of George W. Bush([search]) to another 4 years in office. In the dark of the night, we need only wait for the sun. However, in the dark of our world, we cannot wait. If we are to see a new dawn, we must take action now. The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) calls on the people of the world to RISE Against Bush and SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow. We RISE We SHINE The Call While DAWN is coordinating with many groups for a day of actions, DAWN calls additionally for these specific actions: 1. A permitted nonviolent anti-war rally followed by a march to Bush's inaugural parade route; DAWN also calls for organizations, affinity groups, and individuals to partner with us in organizing these two actions. Next Steps Find out more information about DAWN's and other groups' actions at http://www.counter-inaugural.org, by participating in the DC Cluster Spokescouncil meetings (refer to website), or by participating in DAWN's weekly meetings. Check our website, http://www.dawndc.net for more details. Housing boards, events boards, working group information, and (soon) ride boards can be found at http://www.counter-inaugural.org. We will post updates of our actions, as they become available, to that website. The new dawn begins with our rising up. It will take a lot of light to break through such darkness, but we can do it. We have no other choice. Join us on J20!
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