take back democarcyAnonyme, Monday, October 25, 2004 - 15:33
gabriele zamparini
award winning documentary XXI CENTURY and news about indymedia SPECIAL EVENT · DENVER, COLORADO 28-31 October, 2004 - XXI CENTURY at TAKE BACK DEMOCRACY FILM FESTIVAL NEWS · Right Wing Attacks Indymedia. Again. Read http://www.thecatsdream.com/blog to know more Summary - About XXI CENTURY About XXI CENTURY "POWERFUL TESTIMONIES! THIS CERTAINLY DESERVES TO BE SEEN BY A BROAD AUDIENCE." "XXI CENTURY" FEATURING: XXI CENTURY around the WORLD New York, 13 October 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" - Part I "The Dawn" at ANTHOLOGY FILM ARCHIVES London, 14 - 17 October 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" at the European Social Forum London, 15 October 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" - Part III "... and nothing but the truth" at Four Days of Tactical Media Production and Discussion London, 16 October 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" at SYNERGY PROJECT Amsterdam, Every TUESDAY @ 9 pm (starting October 5) - "XXI CENTURY" at OVERTOOM 301 Amsterdam, 2 October 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" at De Balie Little Rock, Arkansas 25 - 26 September 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" at the First Political Documentary Film Festival - FREE ENTRY! Ismailia, Egypt 11 - 16 September 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" was given the Jury Special Mention as an OUTSTANDING FILM in the Long Documentary Film Competition at the 8th ISMAILIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Nijmegen, The Netherlands 6 - 12 September 2004 - The whole series "XXI CENTURY" was part of a special event on "September 11 and the arts". New York, September 1st, 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" was screened as part of NOT IN OUR NAME's RESISTANCE CINEMA at Community Church 28 East 35th St. @ Park Ave. Amsterdam - Summer 2004 - The whole series "XXI CENTURY" was screened at Overtoom 301 for seven consecutive Sundays. The event will soon be repeated. Amsterdam - 26 - 27 June 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" was screened at Festival Globalisering. Madrid, May 7 - 16 2004 - "XXI CENTURY" won the AUDIENCE AWARD for the BEST TV SERIES at DOCUMENTA MADRID, the INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL organized by the CITY OF MADRID, "MORAL CAPITAL OF EUROPE" Brussels, 15 April 2004 - "Pax Americana" - the seventh Part of "XXI CENTURY" - opened the "BRUSSELLS TRIBUNAL", a hearing committee composed of academics, intellectuals and artists in the tradition of the Russell Tribunal, set up in 1967 to investigate war crimes committed during the Vietnam War. It was directed against the war in Iraq and the Imperial war policies of the Bush II administration. Among the participants Michael Parenti, Scott Ritter, Ramsey Clark, Denis Halliday, Samir Amin, Nawal El Saadawi. New York, 19 February 2004 - "... and the pursuit of Happiness" - the second part of "XXI CENTURY" - was presented at the Brecht Forum in New York City. AWARDS & REVIEWS AUDIENCE AWARD for the BEST TV SERIES at DOCUMENTA MADRID, the INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL organized by the CITY OF MADRID - Madrid, Spain JURY SPECIAL MENTION as an OUTSTANDING FILM in the Long Documentary Film Competition at the 8th ISMAILIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - Ismailia, Egypt "Powerful testimonies! This certainly deserves to be seen by a broad audience." "An exceptionally well done panorama of significant political events and ideas surrounding September 11, 2001 and The American Empire. Superbly edited, with a cast of leading progressive thinkers and activists, it touches all the bases." "It provides a rich and disturbing overview of the New World Order." "I just think it is phenomenal. You guys have done something that is not only powerful and extraordinarily important politically but your documentary is also an impressive piece of filmmaking". HELP BRING "XXI CENTURY" TO YOUR COMMUNITY !!! You won't find films like this in the programs of fancy film festivals or aired by the corporate media. Films like this are not part of the establishment and need your help. PLEASE PASS THE WORD! - E-mail as many friends and colleagues as you can to let them know about the film. BE PART OF THE MOVEMENT!!! XXI CENTURY now available on DVD & VHS The Cat's BLOG The Cat's Dream NewsLetter |
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