
Tre Arrow, most recent News!

Anonyme, Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 21:34


ITS ANOTHER CALL-OUT! As the wind blows we shall bend with it. Here is the latest news. The current concerning Tre and how you can help.

As the wind blows we shall bend with it.
Here is the latest news.

Tre needs someone to offer $100,000 to $300,000 in cash bail OR property ANYWHERE in BC, Canada which is valued at $100-300,000. The person offering
the surety (house) DOESN'T have to be the actual place he stays! It would be IDEAL, if house/property and 24/7 person were one and the same, but Tre
and his lawyer have discussed other scenarios that the judge, who was uncharacteristically sympathetic to Tre's situation, MAY go for (the judge was completely MOVED BY and read all those letters of support ya'll wrote on his behalf-friends and family sent over 60 letters!)

A 24/7 person is still needed in conjunction with the above, and some amazing folks out there (in Canada) are going over the logistics as this is being written! Tre is clear to say that the 24/7 person would serve as
his house supervisor and further details will be provided if needed. Reach me at

Tre would like to mention there is now a fund to assist with his living expenses, now and in the future and if you're in a place to donate, please do so. Donations to the fund may be sent to:

Jim Taggart MRAIC
301-609 Stamps Landing
Vancouver BC V5Z 3Z1
Checks need to be made out to Jim Taggart, a deeply trusted, close friend of our family.

Tre would ADORE any visitors, any letters at North Fraser. He sends tons of love and thanks out to the supporters who have so consistently and
wholeheartedly been there for him all these months. He is gaining weight and getting stronger! Tre would benefit from a ton of positive, protective energy sent his way, and candles lit with this intention, as he was just placed in a single cell (a great thing for Tre!) and other inmates are not happy (seniority and such).

Please check out for all the most recent info and addresses, and past call-outs (August and October).

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