117 lives given up to oppose isolation!The resistance opposing prison isolation continues into its 5th year!Anonyme, Monday, October 18, 2004 - 19:10
Tayad Committee
The calendar was set at October 20, 2000. The political prisoners decided to resist the state of Turkey's project to set up isolation prisons. In the face of the state's uncompromising attitude, the prisoners started the Death Fast (a form of hunger strike). Because isolation and torture mean death. The prisoners preferred death while resisting to surrender. The state couldn’t break the resistance The grueling march, that began on that October 20, is continuing into its 5th year. After only 59 days of the Death Fast, the prison massacre of December 19 took place, in which 28 prisoners were brutally murdered; six female prisoners were burned alive. By shifting the prisoners into the torture cells of the F-Type isolation prisons, a silent prison massacre now began. The resistance also expanded beyond the prison walls and was begun outside in the same way. On November 5, 2001 the state murdered four people in Istanbul/Armutlu, in a further attempt to break the resistance. Since the beginning of the resistance, solitary confinement and torture, countless arrests, fascist attacks, suicides in the cells, force-feeding of hunger strikers and so forth have been experienced. In this time approximately 600 people have sustained permanent damage to their health. So far, 117 people have lost their lives! Until isolation is abolished The reason for the continuation of the resistance lies in the fact that the attack on it with the aim of imposing isolation still persists today. Isolation is an inhuman practice. It aims to pull humans out of their normal surroundings and to, in effect, bury them alive. At the same time isolation is a weapon, which is used in particular against revolutionary movements. Isolation is a policy of intimidation used against the prisoners and against the people. Isolation is used against people to make them surrender and to give up their beliefs, ideals and culture of solidarity. This attack, which is permanently practised by the state of Turkey in a particularly intense form, aims to prevent us from organising against poverty, injustice and tyranny. In the name of all prisoners, who are in isolation With discussions around matters such as prison uniforms and hard labour, the state of Turkey is expanding its attacks. The revolutionary prisoners, who established barricades with their beliefs and their bodies against the attacks, continue their Death Fast resistance with the same determination as on the first day. THE REVOLUTIONARY PRISONERS ARE OUR HONOUR! October 19, 2004 Tayad Committee
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