
STATELESS & DEPORTED! A Popular Mobilization Against Deportation of Palestinians from Canada

Anonyme, Monday, September 6, 2004 - 12:04

Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

For more than one year Palestinian refugees in Montreal and throughout Canada have been struggling against deportation and fighting for their status. On September 18th, the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees and their supporters are calling for your participation in a large-scale demonstration on the streets of Montreal.

Gathering Point:
2:00 PM, corner Atwater & Ste-Catherine (Atwater metro)

See also:

The CMAQ will be actively covering this event, and as always, we invite you to participate! Your text, photo, audio and video items will be added to this dossier.


Gathering Point: 2:00 PM, Corner Atwater & Ste-Catherine
(Atwater metro)

From the Refugee Camps of Lebanon & Palestine to the Streets of Montreal!

For more than one year, Palestinian refugees in Montreal and throughout Canada have been struggling against deportation and fighting for their status. On September 18th, the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees and their supporters are calling for your participation in a large-scale demonstration on the streets of Montreal.

It is a critical time to show your solidarity with the Palestinian refugees, as many of the deportations are set to take place in the coming weeks and months. In Montreal, Palestinian refugees have already been forced by Immigration Canada to live underground or take sanctuary, such as Khalil Ayoub, 67, Nabih Ayoub, 69, and Therese Boulos Haddad, 62, who have been refugees all their lives, fleeing Palestine in 1948 to the refugee camps of Lebanon, and ultimately to Canada. The Ayoub family, confined to the basement of Notre-Dame de Grace Church, were forced to take sanctuary over 7 months ago to escape deportation.

The September 18th demonstration in Montreal will also commemorate the thousands of Palestinian refugees who lost their lives in the 1982 massacre of Sabra and Chatila, during the Israeli invasion of Beirut. The Palestinian refugees facing deportation are the sons and daughters of the very same refugee camps, which suffered throughout the 15-year long Lebanese civil-war. They are the sons and daughters of Sabra & Chatila, Tel El Zaatar and Bourj El Barajneh, stateless refugees representing a history of displacement, which began in 1948. As we remember the massacre of Sabra & Chatila -- one of the deepest wounds in the Palestinian consciousness -- we will demonstrate in solidarity with the struggle of Palestinians here in Canada!

We will march on the streets of Montreal within the context of a political campaign that has been waged throughout Canada during the past year in support of the Palestinian refugees facing deportation. Thousands of people throughout the country have participated in street demonstrations, and thousands more have pressured Citizenship & Immigration Canada in support of the refugees. Wide sections of society are standing in solidarity with the struggle against Palestinian deportations, including the Arab and Muslim community, self-organized immigrants and refugees, major labour unions, countless community groups, major political parties, faith-based organizations and thousands of individuals from throughout the world. With this strong backing, we intend to intensify the struggle against Palestinian deportations this September.

We must stand united in the struggle against the deportation of Palestinian refugees! Join us on the streets of Montreal on September 18th and throughout the month of September for a popular mobilization against the deportation of Palestinian refugees.

Your support, solidarity and action is needed now!

For more information, or to get involved contact:
The Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees in Montreal
Phone: (514) 591-3171

* * *

-> Below is the list of supporting organizations for the two demands of
the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees:

  1. To stop the deportations of the Palestinian refugees from Canada,
  2. To grant them permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.


Action Committee of Pakistani Refugees Against Racial Profiling,
Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI)
Alsuna Mosque
Alternatives, Montreal
Alternative Perspective Media
AnNahda, Montreal
The Anti-Capitalist Convergence of Montreal (CLAC)
Association Générale Étudiante du Cégep du Vieux Montréal (AGECVM)
Association for the Taxation of Financial Transaction for the Aid of Citizens (ATTAC-Montreal), Montreal
Bête Noire (NEFAC)
Bloc Québecois
Block the Empire/Bloquez l'Empire
Comité d'action des sans-status Algériens (CASS)
Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec (CPF-Q)
Canadian Federation of Students Quebec (CFS-Q)
Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF)
Canadian Muslims for Jerusalem (CMJ)
Centre Femmes Verdun, Quebec
CKUT Radio, 90.3 FM Montreal
La Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ)
Coalition justice pour Adil Charkaoui
Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP)
Comité Justice sociale des Soeurs Auxiliatrices
Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain (CSN)
Conseil paroissial de pastorale, Communauté chrétienne Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
Comité régional d'éducation pour le développement international de Lanaudière (CREDIL)
Council of Canadians
Dar Al-Arqam Mosque
Dragon Root Center for Gender Advocacy
L'Entraide missionnaire
Durzi Community of Quebec
El-Hedaya Lebanese Association
Fire Women & Trans of Colour Collective
Forum des femmes de Montréal
Freedom School
ICQ Mosque
Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM)
Iranian Women's Association of Montreal
International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Montreal
Iraq Solidarity Project (ISP)
Jewish Alliance Against the Occupation
Lebanese Islamic Center of Montreal (CIL)
Lebanese Communist Party in Montreal
Lebanese Union of Montreal
Libertas Legal Collective
Ligue des droits et libertés
McGill Radical Law Community, Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP)
MRAP-Québec (Mouvement contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme et pour la paix)
Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM)
L'Opération SalAMI
Palestinian & Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Parole Arabe
Parti Marxiste-Leniniste du Québec
Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia
Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at McGill
Rebel Desis
Regroupement des Organismes du Montréal Ethnique pour le Logement (ROMEL)
Solidairty for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)
South Asian Women's Community Center
Solidarité Union Coopération (SUCO)
Union des forces progressistes (UFP)
United Muslim Students Association
Voices of Conscience (OCVC)
Women in Black Montreal


Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians, Ottawa
Al-Awda - the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, North America
Anti-Capitalist Community Action Ottawa (ACA), Ottawa
Arab-Palestine Association-BC, Vancouver
Arab Palestine Association of Ontario, Toronto
Arab Student Collective (ASC) at the University of Toronto
Bloc Québecois
Canadian Council for Refugees, Le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés (CCR)
Canadian Friends of Sabeel, Ottawa
Canadian Arab Federation (CAF)
Canadian Palestinian Center, Ottawa
Canaanite Canadian Knowledge Center, Ottawa
Canadians for Equality and Peace for Palestinians (CEPPal), Edmonton
Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) Local 199, St-Catharines and District
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)
Canadian Palestinian Congress, Toronto
Calgary Coalition for Peace & Anti-Racism
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Direct Action Casework Ottawa (DACO), Ottawa
The Free Press, of Kitchener, Ontario
Human Concern International, Ottawa
International Socialists, Canada
International Solidarity Movement (ISM), Toronto
International ANSWER Coalition, NYC
International Action Center (IAC)
The Islamic Society of York Region
Kingston for Palestinian Human Rights
Manitoba Islamic Association
McMaster Students Against the Occupation, Hamilton
Muslim Student Association of the University of Alberta, Edmonton
Muslim Student Association at the University of Waterloo
New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP)
New Socialist Group, Toronto
The Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation, Toronto
Niagara Coalition for Peace, Niagara Region
Niagara Palestinian Association, Niagara
No One Is Illegal, Vancouver
No One is Illegal, Toronto
No One is Illegal, Montreal
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), Toronto
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), Toronto
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) at Carleton, Ottawa
Palestine Solidairty Group, Vancouver
Project Threadbare Campaign, Toronto
STATUS Coalition, Toronto
Solidarity with Iraqi & Palestinian Children at Carleton, Ottawa
The Spot, Kitchener-Waterloo Youth Resource Center
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, Toronto
Toronto Jewish Youth Against the Occupation, Toronto
United Holy Land Fund, Toronto
Women Against the Occupation, Canada


Aidoun Group, Lebanon
Akka Charitable Association, Lebanon
Al-Awda Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Al-Awda Club, Lebanon
Al-Awda - the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, North America
Al-Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of the Victims of Violence, Cairo, Egypt
Arab American Association, New York
Arraby Charitable Association, Lebanon
Center for Women Activities, Lebanon
Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHRI), New York
Committee for Charitable Works, Lebanon
The Coordination Forum of the NGO's Working Among the Palestinian Community, Lebanon
Deir Yassin Society of New York
Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM) New York
Direct Action Palestine, New York
The East Jerusalem YMCA, Palestine
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Egypt
The General Union of Palestinian Women, Lebanon
The General Union of Palestinian Workers, Lebanon
Immigrant Justice Solidarity Project (IJSP), New York
International Solidarity Movement, Berkeley
Islamic Association for Palestine in North America
Jews Against The Occupation, New York
A Jewish Voice for Peace, Oakland
Justice for Palestinians, San Jose
Khalsa Social Association, Lebanon
The March For Justice, International
Multi-Lingual Translators & Interpreters Group, Egypt
New England Committee to Defend Palestine, Boston
New York Committee to Defend Palestine
New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine
Office of Palestinian Students Aid, Lebanon
The Organization of Palestinian Democratic Women, Lebanon
The Organization of Palestinian Democratic Youth, Lebanon
The Organization of Palestinian Human Rights, Lebanon
Palestinian Women Union, Egypt
Palestinian Students Committee, University of Wollongong, UAE
Palestinian Cultural Club, American University in Dubai, UAE
Reach Organization, Dubai, UAE Roots Association (Judhoor), Lebanon
School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Palestine Society, London, UK
Students for Justice at San Jose State University, San Jose, USA
Tulkarem Club, Lebanon
Union of Palestinian Youth, Gaza, Palestine
Youth & Children Center, Chatila, Lebanon

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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