
Oct-12: Global Day of Action supporting Bolivarian Revolution and Pachamerica

societelibre, Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 12:15

Inspired by PGA

After the popular victory of the August 15th referendum now comes the good battle...


October 12th: Global Day of Action in Support of the Autonomous Movements of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela and the Pachamerican Struggles

This date, commonly used to celebrate colonial genocide under the name of "Columbus Day", will now be re-appropriated in defense of the autonomous movements of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela, the emerging Pachamerican rebellions, and the empowerment of all struggling peoples of the world.

The systemic genocide initiated by the conquering of Pachamerica, symbolized by Columbus, continues today with the military intervention of the USA and the European Union, in addition to the corporate looting of the continents. Recently the intervention by the western military/corporate machines in Iraq, in the pursuit for oil and domination over the Arab world, continues with the attempts of interventions and coup d'etat in Venezuela.

In Venezuela a crucial moment is emerging after the August 15th referendum. A situation that has to do with the popular movements that support President Chavez against the politics of intervention of the USA in the region (Plan Colombia, Free Trade of the Americas, etc), but that also tries to break with the corrupt, bureaucratic elites that have infiltrated the revolutionary process to try become the new ruling class.

Although Chávez won the referendum, the attacks by the US/European powers will not cease. But the Empire´s most lethal attack, perhaps, will be its attempt to slow down the radicalization of the process through the “revolutionary

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