At the Eve of Continental Social Revolution in Venezuelafranzjutta, Monday, July 12, 2004 - 18:25 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
Now, the opposition is not happy at all; its own lies come home to roost. In a fair referendum, without sabotage and fraud, it has no chance whatsoever to win. In fact, if this should occur, Chávez will win with a landslide victory. The issue never really was elections nor referendum, it was and still is a fascist coup d' etat, orchestrated by the Bush administration and the decadent ancien regime, led by political dinosaurs like COPEI, AD and other degenerated relicts in social decomposition. During the golpista events of April 11, 2002, they all spoke about a "vacuum of power", in reality, the Chávez Government filled the "vacio del poder" that their political "neo-liberal" obsolescence had left behind. Now, in sheep's clothing, with the help of global fascism in the making, they pretend to return to power. The severe national and international attacks against the Bolivarian projects indicate the level of revolutionary momentum that Venezuela is gaining on a global scale, and how the current events in Latin America, including the ALBA and Mercosur, are driving the US government to desperate megalomania. Everything that the Venezuelan government has achieved across the last five years has to be reversed, the Bolivarians themselves have to be sent to Uncle Sam's genocidal butchery. A swift glance at the planned contents of this "new" proposal verifies all the fascist objectives of the coup d'état attempt of Pedro Estanga:
Well, well, we are at the eve of a huge social revolution, in the epoch of a protracted struggle, not only in Venezuela, but in Latin America and the whole "Third World". Bush, Kerry, Cisneros, Carter, etc. are desperate to set on fire the tip of the emancipatory iceberg here in Caracas, however, in the end, they will burn down their very own prairies of reaction and counter-revolution. Their imperialist machinations are driving the Bolivarian project towards an international social revolution, with dramatic emancipatory consequences; after August 15, when the "Opposition" and its slave-masters will declare their "victory", the real, true Bolivarian revolution will enter into its next stage, into its self-defence, with whatever means of survival that will be necessary. As the signs of the time stand on storm, in this age of genocide by social order, we have to prepare ourselves for armed self-defence. When a people has begun to consciously self-organize itself, to self-defend its social gains, then the social revolution is born. In the past, all real social revolutions were violent, this one will be no exception. Peacefully, capitalism and its global corporations never ever stepped down fromtheir Croesusean thrones; how they came into existence, so they will fade into oblivion, by their own guillotine, by storming its Bastille, by a "Reign of Terror". This sounds very harsh. very unchristian and undemocratic, even "violent", sad to say, only the transhistoric truth will emancipate us, this road has been chosen for Venezuela, Latin America and the rest of the world, by Reason, Capital, Colonialism, Imperialism, Washington, Berlin, London, Rome, etc. Precisely because we are human, humane and humanist, nothing human is strange to us, not even armed revolution, not Fanonian legitimate self-defence. Long Live the Global Bolivarian Revolution!
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