
Protest against the deportation of Palestinians

Anonyme, Monday, June 28, 2004 - 11:17

No one is illegal - Stop the deportations – Commite d’appui S-SPalestine.

The protest did not let out enough steam, out of every person standing in front of the electoral bureau, not one found the problem with the residence of the 100 Palestinians could be delayed yet it is there : the immigrants are menaced of deportation by government and immigration Canada and we need answers. Why should they have to be deported in Palestine. No one is illegal is announcing the next protest on Wednesday 1st of July.

Two weeks ago on Thursday, we protested right in front of the electoral bureau of Queen Mary. And there was the disagreement, the present government did not make the move to stop the deportations when we pointed it out to immigration, how the files got there no one knows and the representatives hoping to be elected this Monday did not act either. We don’t see where to come for change and stop the deportations, therefore the Palestinians should be ready to fight.

The Palestinians and the foreign affairs' warning testify this is dangerous. Foreign affairs because they think the trip to Palestine is unrecommended and because they issued a warning saying they cannot be responsible of the safety of travelers to every citizen of Canada going there for visit or stay, this is dangerous, and for the Palestinian men and women the presence of colonies and soldiers in Palestine is not reassuring. They will go back to find their homes destroyed and they would get killed over there. They do not want to go back and they are not going to, not while we stand and if we have to come back to protest we will come back to stop this nonesense.

What we demanded is a residence and citizenship to every one of the Palestinians.

In fact their stay is legitimate and it has been so for years should the cases of the Palestinians be known one after the other for what they are, they are a terrible injustice! They are over 100 known cases over Canada of Palestinians menaced of Deportation.

An Assembly has been held to form a committee of solidarity to the Palestinian families on Monday June 1st.
There are some to be considered urgently, there are some cases of Palestinians who have already been deported, these Palestinian families should be sent back to Canada immediately. That is why we protest.

And we continue, we will protest in front of "Régie du logement", to request homing and to stop the deportations. Either the government has to give straight answers, or the government has to grant homing to every one of them. If there are any reasons why the Palestinians should not stay here, they should be told and there is a solution. The homes of the Palestinians are not threatened in Canada, they are in Palestine. Why is it the Ayyoub family is in the Notre-Dame Church and Therese Boulos Haddad too, asking for shelter? Why is it that these homes are not granted to the 100 Palestinians in Montreal?

Stop the deportations!

Protest Thursday July 1st, at 16:30, in front of Régie du logement.

ed. note
Tue, 2004-06-29 08:56

removed reference to image, as it was corrupted.

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