jam the clownAnonyme, Monday, April 26, 2004 - 08:59
Condolences to the family, shame on the corporation This past weekend, McDonald's took full page ads out in the Globe and Mail and other English-language newspapers to lament the loss of their CEO, Jim Cantalupo. I wish heart failure on no one, but am dismayed at the cheeky ad-op the big fat corporation has seized on. Melodramatic full page with Ronald dropping a tear. Brutal. I clipped the ad and, in true detournement fashion, carved it up with a big black marker and sent it back to the honchos at clown-land. Here's the address if you are inclined to do the same. McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited A plundering corporation making you dependent on shit you don't need. While it's cheap, it's crap, and the welfare menu is NOT far off from being developed and implemented by some of the most successful exploiteers in the world. The transient 'street menu', McCafe, and the Atkin's menu options demonstrate the glaring obviousness of mickey dee's cut and parsing market approach. Something for everyone? More like expert political spinners, and the success of the simulation, where the burger becomes culture becomes more reliance on health care ... crank up the corn syrup. Geography and pervasive media coverage. Sheesh. Let them know they're reprehensible. Also, see 'the corporation.' didactic, eloquent, pointed. n
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