
India: Alcan's troubled investments

tartosuc, Wednesday, April 21, 2004 - 09:48

Abhimanyu Sud

Over the last 12 years, a strong anti-mine movement has developed in the Kashipur region after impacts such as destruction of spiritual sites, agriculture and the environment have been assessed. The December 2000 killing of three tribal activists by police has enraged the local population against the project and its corporate sponsors.

India: Alcan's troubled investments

Montreal, April 20th 2004 - Alcan, a Montreal-based multinational corporation is involved in the controversial bauxite mine and alumina refining megaproject «UAIL» in the State of Orissa, India. ALCAN'T IN INDIA is a Montreal solidarity campaign working directly on this issue.

Over the last 12 years, a strong anti-mine movement has developed in the Kashipur region after impacts such as destruction of spiritual sites, agriculture and the environment have been assessed. The December 2000 killing of three tribal activists by police has enraged the local population against the project and its corporate sponsors.

Having visited the people periodically over the last two years, filmmaker Angad Bhalla says: “In December 2000, village leaders of 22 out of the 24 «officially affected» villages passed a motion unequivocally opposing the mine. Alcan on the other hand has been unable to show me any documentation of peoples' alleged support for the project

Website of the Alcan't campaign

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