

Anonyme, Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 12:28


We thus invite you to a demo/action to say RED OR BLUE : THEY WILL EXPLOIT YOU and that the PQ is no solution to the PLQ! We are proposing a symbolic action with little risk of arrest with the goal of participating in other mobilizations throughout the day.

Against Charest, against the PLQ, against the PQ,
against the bosses...FIGHT BACK!

April 14, 12h30
Berri Square

It will soon be a year that Jean Charest's Liberal government is in power.
At this point, we all know the damages they have done to our social
rights. All around, the cost of living is going up while our wages are
going down. What Charest is doing is unacceptable, but we must ask
ourselves : was the Parti Québécois much better?

For some the solution to the Liberal's is to put the PQ back in power, we,
on the other hand, remember. We remember the zero deficit years. We
remember the introduction of a tax on failure in Cegeps. We remember the repressive labour laws used against the nurses strike. We remember the social-economic summit of 1996. We remember that Lucien Bouchard is a product of the Conservative Party, just like Jean Charest. We remember that the policies of the Parti Québécois were more or less the same as those of the Liberals, only served with a social-democratic nationalist sauce to prevent indigestion.

We thus invite you to a demo/action to say RED OR BLUE : THEY WILL EXPLOIT YOU and that the PQ is no solution to the PLQ! We are proposing a symbolic action with little risk of arrest with the goal of participating in other mobilizations throughout the day. We encourage you to call in sick/take the day off next Wednesday April 14th. Not only will that allow you to participate fully in the mobilizations, a work stoppage, even partial, will hit the bosses where it hurts. In the end, it is their interests that are presently defended by the government and their vision of society that's being put into practice. Against the PLQ, against the PQ, against the bosses...fight back!

-a call by Groupe anarchiste La Commune (NEFAC-Mtl/CLAC)*

Against Charest, against the PLQ, against the PQ,
against the bosses...FIGHT BACK!

April 14, 12h30
Berri Square

*La Commune is a member of Montreal's Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) and of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC). CLAC holds regular assemblies at L'X (182 Ste-Catherine east), the next one will be Wednesday April 7th at 7pm. NEFAC is a federation of anarchist collectives active in the northeast. Visit our website at :

our website

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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