

Anonyme, Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 12:24


We are amongst those who have no other choice but to struggle. It isn't necessarily to prove that an anarchist society would be bettter(even if that's true!) that we choose to struggle against the Charest. We struggle to survive, to defend ourselves and to win.

Call for anti-authoritarian blocks in the April 14th mobilizations


On April 14th, when thousands of people will take to the streets of
Quebec to protest the Liberal government, anarchists will also be there.
We will be there not so much because we are anarchists, but because we are amongst those affected by Charest's policies and we refuse to accept them.

We are the cheap labour being hired by subcontracting companies. We are the poor students who go hungry at the end of every semester. We are the young parents who are paying hundreds of dollars more a year in daycare costs. We are the non-status immigrants facing isolation and deportation. We are the tenants who see our rents increase every time we renew our leases. We are amongst those who have no other choice but to struggle. It isn't necessarily to prove that an anarchist society would be bettter(even if that's true!) that we choose to struggle against the Charest. We struggle to survive, to defend ourselves and to win. We want to make the anarchist movement progress. But as a wider and more fundamental goal, we want to help build a popular movement. We don't expect it to be perfect from the start. Every popular movement will be imperfect because we are imperfect people. It doesn't matter. We have to continue to struggle, to learn from our victories and from our failures. Fail again, fail better. Win, win again, win more, win everything!

April 14th wont be the first day of the revolution(!). It's an episode in the refusal of the Liberal governments' policies. It is (maybe) the
beginning of a movement. Since last fall, things have been moving. The
whole privince has shaken. But fundamentally, there isn't a dynamic and
vibrant popular movement in Quebec right now. Most community groups are abandonned by the people who form the "community" they represent. Their fate is in the hands of the paid organizers who run them. Nonetheless, we feel the need to organize with the people around us; to refuse our rent increases; to smash our hydro meters; to not pay for public transport.

Unionism in Quebec is stronger numerically then anywhere else in North America. In the last few months, we saw some of its potential. There was even some talk of a general strike. At what point are we with that today? What happened? Oh, right "the bureaucrats silenced the anger" Yeah?

Maybe. But today and always, the responsibilty of our failures will also
lay on us, on us all. We are the people who can organize OUR unions with our sisters and brothers. We are the people who close the shop when there's a strike. And when we will have confidence in what we can
accomplish and full control of our destiny, it will be us, together, who
will make the General Strike a reality. April 14th is only the begining.
It's up to us : generalize the resistance!


If you agree with what is written here, with our intentions and with how we want to resist Charest...join the anti-authoritarian block in the
large "J'ai jamais voté pour ça" march. We also encourage you to
participate in the specific mobilizations and actions organized by NEFAC
and the Comité des Sans-Emploi/CLAC-Housing that will take place earlier in the day. Immediately after the 4h30 mobilization, we will form the anti-authoritarian block at the back of the "J'ai jamais voté pour ça"
march. Look for the different anarchist colours : black, red, green and

In Quebec City, we will participate in the "Bloquons Charest" action
organized by the RÉPAC. Meet at 10am on the corner of Charest and

A call by Groupe anarchiste La Commune (NEFAC-Mtl/CLAC)*

endorsers :

In Montreal :

-No One Is Illegal
-Groupe Libertad (Cégep du Vieux-Montréal)
-Pain Panais et Liberté
-Bibilothèque DIRA
-Collectif Liberterre

In Quebec City

-Collectif anarchiste La Nuit (NEFAC-Qc)
-La Rixe
-Dada a faim!
-Des libertaires de Québec

*La Commune is a member of Montreal's Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) and of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC). CLAC holds regular assemblies at L'X (182 Ste-Catherine east), the next one will be Tuesday May 18th at 7pm. NEFAC is a federation of anarchist collectives active in the northeast. Visit our website at :

our website

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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