
Bring Mohamed Cherfi Home

Anonyme, Monday, March 15, 2004 - 17:01

OCAP Toronto

Update from Toronto on actions to support deportee Mohamed Cherfi.

Bring Mohamed Cherfi Home

One week after Mohamed Cherfi was ripped from sanctuary and deported to the US, where he remains in detention in Buffalo, supporters in cities across the country took action for the second day of national co-ordinated outrage and organizing to bring Mohamed back.

On Friday March 12th in Toronto, a press conference took place inside the Eastminster United Church, one of the churches which has actively spoken out against the arrest and deportation of Mohamed. Speakers include representatives from Palestinian rights and faith groups, as well as labour unions and Jack Layton, the federal leader of the New Democratic Party. It was made clear that the Canadian government is in a position to act to rectify the situation they created by denying Mr. Cherfi status, violating church sanctuary and ordering him deported. According to Layton, “If his Ministers can’t sort it out, Paul Martin must step in.

An english version of the web site will soon be online.

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