
Callout to International Mobilization Against the FTAA/bFTA's April 17

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - 19:31

This is a callout from the anti-FTAA campaign based in Quito, Ecuador. Recognising that bilateral free trade agreements with the United States have replaced the FTAA as the new and immediate threat for the Andean and Central American nations, we call out for an international network of solidarity to fight neoliberalist politics and mobilize on April 17 international day of peasant struggles.

For Life:
¡El Campo no Aguanta Más!

From the valleys and mountains of the Andes, the peoples of the land make a call from a continental and world-wide mobilization.

The Ecuadorian Peasant Confederation CONFEUNASSC-CNC, member of the CLOC (Coordinator of Latin American Organizations of the Countryside) and Vía Campesina, committed to the continental Campaign in struggle against the FTAA, is making a callout to join forces with the Days of Resistance and Struggle against the neo-FTAA, known as the bilateral Free Trade Agreement, to take place in Quito on the 17 of April, the International day of Peasant Struggle.

In Québec, Cancún, and Miami we have achieved victories in favor of the sovereignty of our nations and the unity of our peoples. The fathers of neoliberalism know that united we are too strong, and have thus taken the new strategy of “divide and conquer

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