
RCW News

Anonyme, Friday, February 13, 2004 - 16:05


Latest bad news as reported in Romanian press

[12/2/04] A gift for Bechtel
Bruce Jackson (ex-CIA) has been "awarded" (without bidding) the construction of a 450 km highway for 2.5 billions USD. Price is double than normal [source: RM 709 13/02/04].

[12/2/04] Privacy is the name of the game
Journalists taking pictures of apparatchik houses will go to jail. A new law is undergoing approvals.

[11/2/04] Policeman proposing $350 000 bribe to victim
"Withdraw the complaint and you will get the money. Otherwise, we will inculpate you too" - quoting lt. col Eliodor Tanislav. And others, and others...

[11/2/04] SINTOFARM: Police General implicated in heroin traffic
Toma Zaharia, a Police General and his wife (and probably others...) was supervising heroin traffic under the cover of the SINTOFARM pharmaceutical company. Obviously, some other opportunist decided to stop protecting our general...

[9/2/04] More infos: UCK, Camorra, Albanian mafia (and probably others) getting drugs from Romanian connection

[9/2/04] Tens of elders forced into slavery
A network of thugs managed to smuggle into Poland and Italy, from within Romania, tens of elders and peoples with disabilities which were forced into begging. Peoples were beaten if at the end of the day they were not able to gather the amount the exploiters were requesting. The ethnic origin of those slave traders was not disclosed.

[6/2/04] UCK, Camorra, Albanian mafia (and probably others) getting drugs from Romanian connection
Tons of heroin are awaiting clients in the subterranean tunnels of major cities such as Bucharest and Cluj. There are at least 5 drug smuggling connections, including Turkish and Italian ones. One thing should be clear: such a large traffic - the largest in the Balkans - is protected by top officials. Remember, there are also producing labs headed by top chemists, such as SINTOFARM.

[5/2/04] Policemen falsifying papers for Organized Crime
The whole Police section of Computerized Evidence of the Iasi city (a major city) had to be laid off because Policemen were emitting false papers at the order of various criminal organizations. Hundreds of circulation permits for stolen cars and of false passports have been emitted. And this is only one city and only what journalists could find...

[30/1/04] More traffic with human beings
In 2003 alone foreign authorities found that 150 babies have been trafficked from Romania and made 18 inquiry request towards Romanian authorities. Some were declared dead at the maternity - currently doctors cannot prove 26 "died"...

[28/1/04] Institutionalized drug traffic
SINTOFARM is a pharmaceutical company at the hearth of a drug (drug as in heroin) traffic worth tens of millions of USD. Money is pocketed by top officials [RM 707/30 Jan 2004].

[28/1/04] Traffic with children blessed by officials
In spite of the UE imposed "adoption" moratorium, peoples Israel, Greece, Belgium, Cyprus, Canada, US, Switzerland, Germany, UK, Slovakia, Venezuela, Andorra, Italy managed to adopt. Check the hundreds reported at the end of the article. In one case a baby has been adopted a month before its birth, in another case a Romanian family has been denied adoption only to have the baby adopted by an Israeli one - and this in spite of the law.

[28/1/04] Genocidal economic policies
Statistics showing the death of millions.

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