
what is this sierra club shenanigans?

Anonyme, Monday, January 26, 2004 - 11:23


the culture of environmental politics gone too far perhaps

just wondering if anyone has been following the recent sierra club discourse, or is involved with the canadian end of the group...some slivers in the globe and mail today.

interesting slide from systems thinking about carrying capacity and limiting the demand on a 'provisionary' assembly (which is not provisionary but seems to be based how most of us plunderers situate it environmentally) to regulating migration and global flows based on political and cultural objectives.

i don't deny our ridiculous commodified cultural practices have telescoped a range of problems in relation to supposedly 'external' environmental problems, and i think there is some cause for thinking about the poltical culture and the environmental culture as integrated. yet, this smells like a hijacking to me, disguised as 'sound, realistic ecological assessment'. any thoughts would be great. this stuff's all a bit tangled for me (like it is going to get any more untangled...)

here are some links:

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