
Romania' News

Anonyme, Tuesday, January 20, 2004 - 16:23


[14/1/04] Hungarians threaten Romanians with ethnic war
UDMR's Marko Bela is promising breaks of ethnic violence in the Yugoslav style if uninominal vote is introduced in Senate.

[20/1/04] Parliamentary mandates on sale for thugs looking to escape the law
PSD, our social democrats, are preparing a law that stipulates protection for already condemned thugs if they make it into Parliament. If you are a crime baron, just buy your place on the PSD lists. See why we needed a new "Constitution"?
[19/1/04] Top Arges county Police and Prosecutor leaking informations to organized crime
'Cause they are part of organized crime...

[19/1/04] Police refuses to inquire fight between mafiosi
One of the mafiosi has even thrown a grenade. Nothing to worry, Police IS mafia.

[19/1/04] Ioan Rus, the Minister of Interior (i.e. Police) is smuggling money outside Romania
The hemorrhagia is of tens of millions of euros yearly. There is a full-fledged connection of off-shore societies, some of them in Cyprus (a fiscal paradise). The investigation has been led by AP members - AP has Constantinescu (a CIA puppet, discarded for lack of intelligence) as president. Obviously, a secret service (guess which) is leaking infos...

[16/1/04] Modern slavery: peoples with infirmities used as beggars
Police starts investigating something that looks like an organized slavery: peoples with disabilities are forced into begging. If the daily sum beggars gather is not enough they are tortured. Ethnic origin of exploiters has not been disclosed. They were set free (of course).

[16/1/04] Foreign investitors want "better" laws
Down with the social solidarity. Among their claims, the government has to permit easier lay-offs of workers. Oh, and cut on those pesky income taxes. This is called "harmonizing legislation with UE" in Newspeak.

[13/1/04] Beaten to the pulp journalist sues Police
After writing about some PSD crime barons, Ino Ardelean was beaten to the pulp (55 days in hospital) but Police could not find the aggressors in spite of obvious political connections of the beating. Now Ino is suing Police. Good luck Ino, wondering who is supporting you.

[13/1/04] Masonry for everybody
Every low grade opportunist enters nowadays freemasonry. Amazing decadence. Quoting a PSD idiot in search of light (or money?): "everywhere in the world masonry is an etilist movement, organization, to say so". (NT: probably our asshole wants to say elitist). Sa dam masonerie la tot cartierul...

[12/1/04] Illegal logging: 4 forests disappear
While peoples that are responsible for are protected by the ones supposed to apply the law, peoples pushing for justice barely escape assassination attempts. Tracks of crime are going up to some top parliamentarians.

[12/1/04] East Europe: a heaven for islamic terrorism
"Very easy for us, because of corruption - we can buy them, and then there is almost no control". And should terrorists win, opportunists can always convert. Right?. Here's a short list of terrorist organizations at work in Romania.

[9/1/04] Economic freedom: corruption acknowledged
The Heritage Foundation rates Romania 129 out of 155 because of corruption, bureaucracy and high taxation. On par with Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.

[8/1/04] Hundreds (rather thousands) of persons, mostly elders, injured daily
Because local authorities do not take measures to clean ice and snow, hundreds of elders break their bones. Daily. At the same time, private companies (guess who's) pocket billions for such winter services. Services they do not deliver...

[8/1/04] Temperature in hospitals fails below zero
Some patients have tuberculosis, some suffered heavy surgery. TBC was once eradicated but now, in "democracy", reaches epidemic proportions.

[--/--/--] Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism

[6/1/04] Top oil refinery sold to phantom UK firm
According to "The Independent", RAFO Onesti has been "privatized" towards Balkan Petroleum - this "company" has only two directors as personnel. Behind, following the track to Regal Petroleum and Haliburton, one can find a handful of top crooks: Frank Timis (of Rosia Montana fame), Ovidiu Tender (protected by Talpes of SIE fame), Villem Matser, Dick Cheney. Romanian authorities were not able to investigate, luckily there is "The Independent" .

[6/1/04] Babies dying because apartments are not heated
Little babies are dying because parents cannot afford to pay to heat their apartments. This never happened in Ceusescu's years. Hey, Romania, still looking to join Europe?

[5/1/04] Bears hunted up to the last by apparatchiks
In the traditional apparatchik manner, a live bear is counted many times to make a healthy number - Aves Foundation speaks up.

[5/1/04] Commercial deficit: 5 billions euros
In '89 Romania was a debtless country. But Ceusescu's apparatchiks could not have luxury cars, houses and yachts.

[5/1/04] Elders and ill persons queuing up in the cold of the winter for medicaments
Hospitals are running out of medicaments while "social-democrats" are ruling the country.

[23/12/03] 15 years old girl kidnapped, raped and SOLD for $200 USD to a "well-known" pimp
As usual, Police did nothing, the father told them where the victim is sequestrated. So Police had to move on this time.

News of interest from Romania, as found in written medias.

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