
Montreal, Saturday January 31, 2nd Anarchist Distributors' Kiosk

Anonyme, Monday, January 19, 2004 - 10:04

anarchist distibutor

Second Anarchist Distro Kiosk
Saturday January 31, from noon to 5 p.m.
Cafe Chaos, 2035 St-Denis

*Journal Le Trouble
*La Sociale/CDL
*Groupe Bete Noire/NEFAC-Mtl
*La Mauvaise Herbe
*ASE/La Fronde
*DIRA Anarchist library
*Groupe Communiste Libertaire
*Mouvement de l'imaginaire autonome (MIA)

(Montreal) January 31, 2nd Anarchist Distributors' Kiosk

Second Anarchist Distro Kiosk
Saturday January 31, from noon to 5 p.m.
Cafe Chaos, 2035 St-Denis

The Anarchist Distributors' Kiosk is the only place to get books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers from the following local anarchist literature distributors:

*Journal Le Trouble
*La Sociale/CDL
*Groupe Bete Noire/NEFAC-Mtl
*La Mauvaise Herbe
*ASE/La Fronde
*DIRA Anarchist library
*Groupe Communiste Libertaire
*Mouvement de l'imaginaire autonome (MIA)

Our respective groups have formed a coalition with the goal of furthering and improving the distribution of anarchist literature in Montreal, despite the failure of a proposal, at an assembly last August 5, to open up the membership of the OSBL of the building where the Alternative Bookshop is located. Support Montreal's anarchist distributors! Come have a drink and a chat with comrades from various anarchist tendencies... Beyond supporting us directly, you can also choose to boycott the Alternative Bookshop!


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