
British ISM Activists Tom Hurndall dies

Anonyme, Wednesday, January 14, 2004 - 18:37


"Tom Hurndall, a British Peace Activists died last night in London Hospital after almost 8 months under life support machines."

Hurndall, 22, was shot by an Israeli soldiers in Yebna near Rafah Camp south of Gaza Strip on April 12 while he was trying to save two Palestinian children caught under Israeli fire.

Tom had been in a persistent vegetative state since being shot, and succumbed to pneumonia on Tuesday night, the Guardian paper said.

The Soldier who shot Tom is facing several charges. According to Haaretz Israeli daily paper, the soldier was recently charged with aggravated assault, but the military judge handling the case told the family's lawyer in Tel Aviv that the charge was likely to be revised to murder or manslaughter after Hurndall's death, it said.
The soldier, who has not been named, has also been charged with obstruction of justice.
The soldier is alleged to have asked for permission to open fire only after having already shot Hurndall, who was critically wounded in the back of his head. He is also alleged to have lied about the incident when questioned about it afterward.

Hurndall is not the only International Peace Activist killed by the Israeli Army. Not long time before Tom, Rachel Corrie, a 23 American Peace Activist from Olympia Washington was crushed by a bulldozer in the same area on March 16, 2003. Efforts to open an investigation of her death are met with rejection from Israel.

Hurndall joined the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) on April 5, 2003, one week before he was shot. The ISM is a Palestinian Led Organization that conducts and promotes a nonviolent resistance to the Israeli Occupation to Palestine through nonviolent direct actions organized by Palestinians and Internationals in the occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
From Tom’s Mom:

What price a life?

The Israeli army shot my son, and the toll continues to rise

Jocelyn Hurndall
Saturday January 10, 2004
The Guardian

In the pensive hours of the night, I am struck by the varying values that mankind chooses to allot to life - as was my son Tom.

Earlier this month, I read with mixed feelings the news that local Palestinian militia had dynamited an Israeli defence force watchtower in the town of Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. It was from this watchtower, which has been responsible for untold misery to many innocent families in Rafah, that Tom was shot in the head last April. At the time he was trying to help Palestinian children to safety. He now lies in a vegetative state in a hospital in London with no hope of recovery.

This week we learned that the Israeli soldier who has been arrested for the shooting is alleged to have smoked cannabis with his battalion. As last year was drawing to a close, a phone call from the British Foreign Office informed me that, under interrogation, this soldier has confessed to shooting my son, knowing he was an unarmed civilian. He claimed that the shot was meant as a "deterrent". From what? From rescuing children? Had he been so conditioned that an act of humanity could only inspire in him such a violent reaction?

I felt no sense of relief then but, for the first time, allowed myself to feel increasing anger. The IDF's inability to differentiate between friend and foe, truth and untruth, and to see themselves as they are seen, is clear to all.

I read the observations recorded in Tom's Middle-East journals. They show a young man determined to be open-minded, to understand and, above all, to make a difference. He had come to understand, as we do now, the customary illegal, inhuman retribution exacted by the IDF from this particular watchtower on the local community, little realising how it was to leave him a thread away from death.
It seems that life is cheap in the occupied territories. Different value attached to life depends on whether the victim happens to be Israeli, international or Palestinian. This has been exemplified recently by the reaction of the Israeli public to the shooting of an Israeli peace activist, fresh out of his three-year military police service, demonstrating against the illegal "security" fence. Two days later an announcement was made that a military police inquiry was to be held into the shooting. Questions were raised in the Knesset. This is in stark contrast to the six months of campaigning that it took for an inquiry to be launched into the shooting of Tom.
There have been thousands of killings in Palestine since the intifada, with only a handful having the benefit of an investigation. Now, a three-week occupation of Nablus (the largest city in Palestine) has left a further 19 people dead and dozens of homes and buildings destroyed, leaving scores of innocent people homeless, all on a pretext of searching for a terror suspect.

When will those responsible accept that it is illegal to collectively and obsessively punish a whole community? Has the hard-nosed Sharon government made connections between the horror of the Holocaust and the current brutal incursions? Countless insightful Israelis, Palestinians and people the world over have done so. Is it surprising that Israel was voted the most dangerous threat to world peace in a recent European Union poll?

It hurts me to hear the deafening silence of our own government. How can there have been no statement of condemnation or condolence for the innocent victims of Israel's mindless violence from our own prime minister, Tony Blair? The silence was only broken when on Christmas day the United States president "strongly condemned" the actions of the suicide bombers responsible for killing four Israeli soldiers at a bus stop just outside Tel Aviv. Does this double standard not underline the lack of regard in which both the British and US governments hold Palestinian life?

So I have questions to ask of Tony Blair. Does he regard the children of Palestine as children of a lesser god? Does he accept that such inaction is tantamount to complicity in the process of destroying any peace initiative in the Middle East? Mr Blair, you know now that an Israeli soldier has confessed to shooting in cold blood an unarmed British citizen who was trying to shepherd children away to safety. When will you be ready to openly condemn these actions?

• Jocelyn Hurndall is on the committee of the Thomas Hurndall Foundation, which campaigns for justice for the Palestinian people

Tom Hurndall, a British Peace Activists died last night in London Hospital after almost 8 months under life support machines.

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