
UK: Rocky Reception Planned for Thief-in-Chief

simms, Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 16:37

It's official: George W. Bush has arrived in London.

And despite Tony Blair's plea for pro-Bush demonstrations, protests of all kinds are planned across the UK to disrupt Dubya's visit.

Hundreds of thousands of Britons are expected to voice their opposition to Bush's UK visit, which begins tonight.

Among the planned events: massive marches, dozens of street parties, 'critical mass' bike rides, several Bush statue topplings, film showings, and various NVDAs (non-violent direct actions), such as the 'Bare your Bum to Bush' campaign.

One original idea is a tracking website which allows users to send in Bush-spotting updates via SMS from their cellphones --

Egged on by the usual anonymous 'terror warnings' and generalized paranoia, 5000 extra cops will be deployed in London alone to keep Dubya safe from public opinion.

However, according to an Observer article published last Sunday, the unprecedented security precautions were apparently scaled *down* from those suggested by the American side, which were to include shutting down London's subway system, granting diplomatic immunity to Bush's snipers, and making structural changes to Buckingham Palace (where Dubya will be staying for three nights).

This should all be interesting to watch given that, with the coronation of Paul Martin last week, Canadians might soon have to "welcome" Dubya on their own turf.

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