
Solidarity with the Bolivian people

isabellem, Friday, October 24, 2003 - 12:45

We, the Latin American and Caribbean communicators that comprise the continental communication networks express our solidarity with the Bolivian people currently fighting against the neo-liberal policy that are taking place in that country and that we have been facing in our
respective countries for so long.

16th October 2003 (translated from Spanish by Silvia Hirata)

We, the Latin American and Caribbean communicators that comprise the continental communication networks express our solidarity with the Bolivian people currently fighting against the neo-liberal policy that are taking place in that country and that we have been facing in our
respective countries for so long.

We repel the militarization and the repressive policy of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada's government ordering to shoot against the population, causing up to now, around 70 deaths.

We follow our Bolivian sisters and brothers in their claim for a political solution that asks for the stepping down of the current President. We call for the construction of a true democracy in Latin America; one that will not increase poverty and the denationalisation of
our economies but one based on peace and justice, as well as on the respect for life and for people's rights and the participation of the citizens in the main decision-making.

We congratulate the communicators from the various organisations engaged in the cause of citizenship, who have been playing a fundamental role to raise a voice in favor of justice, to assert democracy and to defend human rights, at a crucial time. We therefore express our solidarity to our Bolivian journalist colleagues who are suffering the effects of repression, especially those members of Radio PIO XII and Televisión Universitaria that have been victims of military intervention.

We invite all our associates on the continent and the communicators all over the world to start an informative campaign with the purpose of letting the world know about the attempts against human rights and the just aspirations of the Bolivian people.

Pedro Sánchez Presidente
Organización Católica Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Comunicación

Luis Távara Secretario Ejecutivo
Asociación Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica

Rolando Pérez
Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana

Ernesto Lamas
Coordinador Regional
Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias

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