No FTAAAnonyme, Friday, September 19, 2003 - 21:46 (Analyses | BM-FMI / WB-IMF | Economy | Globalisation | Poverty | Resistance & Activism | Syndicats/Unions - Travail/Labor)
Midwest unrest
No to capitalism * * Shut Down FTAA Miami, 2003 * * ==== DISTRIBUTE WIDELY ======= On November 20 and 21 the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) will meet at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Miami to unilaterally finalize their vision of an economic policy that threatens the freedom and well being of All will be put at risk by the outcome of these meetings, save for an obscene minority who have seized control of capital and corporate power. The FTAA is working to give this small group of billionaires and corporations The FTAA threatens to absorb both North and South America into a homogeneous market, where transnational corporations will be empowered to successfully challenge any regulation, policy or procedure which runs contrary to their ideal of increased profit at any expense, human or otherwise. Under FTAA, more jobs from the US will move to Central and South America, where workers labor in sweatshop conditions, and the environment, people's health, and standards of living will be sacrificed for higher profits. The good news is that over 100,000 people are expected to rain down on Miami in protest of the ministerial. The drastic policies that the FTAA plans to unleash internationally will be mirrored locally by the Miami police department's mission to ensure that the demands of hundreds of thousands of protesters don't disturb the multimillion dollar gala being thrown by and for the western hemisphere's most affluent arch-capitalists and their pet politicians. WE DEMAND that the policies of the FTAA be struck down. Midwest Unrest, a Chicago radical group, will hold a consulta in Chicago on October 11 and 12, in order to network with groups planning mobilizations to Miami and to coordinate our actions. This consulta will be a continuation of the discussions started in Louisville and Pittsburgh. All who are interested in forming a radical strategy to shut down the FTAA meeting are invited to attend. Midwest Unrest is autonomous, decentralized and nonhierarchical. We object to capitalism. We reject any system that sees human beings as greenbacks, the environment as a resource, and culture as a product that can be bought and sold. We oppose all forms of oppression and discrimination. We respect of peoples differences and the autonomy of groups, individuals and peoples. Proposed discussion topics for the consulta: REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! -MIDWEST UNREST |
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