
New pictures of the mass arrests

neonyme, Wednesday, July 30, 2003 - 16:02

Dave Villegas

Many journalists and photographers related to the Independant Media Center were among the people that have been arrested during the day of monday, especially at the green zone near the ALternative Bookstore. Here are some pictures that one of them has brought to us after coming out of jail.

Many journalists and photographers related to the Independant Media Center were among the people that have been arrested during the day of monday, especially at the green zone near the ALternative Bookstore. Here are some pictures that one of them, Dave Villegas, has brought to us after coming out of jail.

Click on a picture to enlarge it.

Smash WTO Sponsored Capitalismm
Mike Wood
Sat, 2003-08-02 09:37

An all round THANK YOU for all the people who lent us their thoughts and energy throuhout the last few days. Knowing that people were aware of our situation and had factful,up to date info helped set to ease alot of the anxieties of us on the other side. Merci, Aaron!! I know he was only one of many who aided us and thank you again.
Fortunately the local independant newspaper, 'HERE' in Saint John is running a large article on the WTO protests earlier this week. If you have any primary info you would like to pass along or thoughts that would benefit the story please contact me at
and/or forward it to


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