
WTO UPDATE: Bail set at up to $500 for out of town activists

Anonyme, Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 12:10


Demonstrators rounded up by police in green zone pay hefty price for freedom

Activists arrested yesterday in an aggressive police round-up must forfeit freedom of assembly or pay up to $500 in bail.

Demonstrators from outside of Quebec, including those from the Maritimes and the U.S., must pay a bail of $500, or spend what could be the rest of the week in jail. Activists from beyond a 200 km radius of the city have a bail set at $200, while Montreal-based activists must agree to conditions preventing them from participating in demonstrations against the WTO the rest of the week. Those who signed the contract were released late Monday night after being detained for over 12 hours, while minors were released.

All others now await the conditions of their bail to be determined during court hearings which may take up to three days.

Police arrested approximately 340 demonstrators early yesterday afternoon after encircling an area used as an activist safe space for eating, resting, conducting workshops and a radio broadcast.

"On the part of the police their whole strategy is to get the people who would have been part of the snake march today off the street," said Rob Rao, one of 21 street medics to be arrested yesterday.

Rao voiced a sense of incredulity that police would surround and arrest the group peacefully assembled there after the snake march had dispersed. Like others, he believed the group of activists, journalists and medics arbitrarily took the heat for the day’s activities.

money needed?
Tue, 2003-07-29 12:45

How's the situation with the bail money and money for out of towners to get back home? Is there someone that people can contact if they wish to donate?

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Saskatchewan Activists jailed
Tue, 2003-07-29 19:28

Some Saskatchewan activists were jailed yesterday and their bail is $200 each. However, last night they were being told that their bail would be $500 - I'm not sure if information got mixed up or if the police are trying to mess people up.

Apparently, jail conditions have not been the best. It could have been worse, as the worst part about it was the lack of blankets and the wait for food. However, I am a firm believer that nobody should go without their basic needs met. To add to my disgust, vegetarians had a 2-hour extra wait for their peanut butter sandwiches.

The bureaucratic process has been taking a long time for bail to actually get processed, but I suppose that is what happens when 350 people are arrested in one day. Hopefully all the people in jail are out soon. We have started a bail and legal fund for the Saskatchewan folks and their associates, so if you would like to contribute, please contact me.

In solidarity, Crys.

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