
The allopathic cure for SARS

Anonyme, Monday, July 28, 2003 - 22:51

pink panther

Dr. Len Horowitz reveals an effective allopathic treatment for SARS.


SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - A team of Doctors well-known for their research in alternative medicine and emerging diseases has developed an effective treatment for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) utilizing a little-known antidote to coronavirus. According to the Doctors, coronavirus can be successfully treated with methanolic extracts of two berry bushes common to British Columbia and the northwestern states - Amelanchier alnifolia and Rosa nutkana both members of the Rosaceae family of plants.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard-trained, internationally known expert in public health and emerging diseases and Dr. Joseph Puleo, a leading naturopathic physician and a founding member of the World Natural Health Organization ( developed the treatment from findings originally made in 1995. Esteemed Canadian botanist Dr. Neil Towers, Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, pioneered the decade-old study that proved Rosacaea plants could overcome coronavirus infections in cell cultures, a system far more sensitive to toxicity than living organisms.

Doctors Horowitz and Puleo advanced Dr. Towers' studies by adding two additional natural ingredients and have named the new treatment the "Urbani SARS Formula." The name recognizes Italian communicable disease expert Dr. Carlo Urbani, one of the disease's earliest victims. Dr Urbani, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work with Doctors Without Borders, died in Thailand after contracting the disease while caring for patients.

While the Doctors cannot make "cure" claims due to variations between individuals and FDA restrictions, they profess that the ingredients in the Urbani SARS Formula are time-tested, inexpensive, readily available and well proven against the bovine coronavirus and other respiratory pathogens. Dr. Puleo saw rapid improvement among patients who presented in March with SARS-like symptoms at the Natural Health Research Clinic he directs in Sandpoint, Idaho.

The primary ingredients in the proprietary Urbani SARS Formula are extremely hard to acquire in freshly harvested lots, which are required for maximum strength and effectiveness. The ingredients include:

Lomatium dissectum root extract. This has been known for centuries to have potent anti-microbial uses and to be useful as an immuno-stimulant. It also protects cells from another pathogen, the Rotavirus, which is a common cause of dysentery. SARS has been linked to symptoms of dysentery in a significant number of cases. It was used by Native Americans as a food and as a medicine for treatment of Tuberculosis and other lung infections. It has been used effectively in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia.

Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus). This is best known as an immune-boosting "adaptogen" that mitigates the effect of stress throughout the body. It also functions as an expectorant and mucous secretion stimulator when prescribed for respiratory infections. Native Americans have long used Devil's Club to help heal insulin-resistant type II diabetes. Dr. Puleo explains that most SARS victims have ongoing blood sugar and immune-suppressive problems that give viral infections the edge over natural immunity.

The Rosaceae (Amelanchier ainifolia and Rosa nutkana or Saskatoons). These berries are a naturally-occurring edible fruit once used by Native Americans for stomach problems and for maternal recovery after childbirth. In 1995 it was demonstrated that extracts from these berries were very active against coronaviruses.

Xylitol Sugar. Xylitol is a relatively new weapon in the war against infectious diseases. This five-carbon sugar was largely unappreciated before WW II sugar shortages brought it to attention. Researchers in Finland determined that a 5% solution of Xylitol reduced 68% of Strep and Pneumonia bacteria attachments and 50% of flu viruses. Small amounts of Xylitol are made naturally in the body, which means it does not have the problems associated with man-made antibiotics. Bacteria do not develop a resistance to Xylitol and cannot introduce mutating strains to overcome its effectiveness.

The Doctors Horowitz and Puleo have granted worldwide distribution rights of the Urbani SARS Formula to World Natural Cures, LLC, a firm directed by Mr. John Mills. Mr. Mills can be contacted at 1-800-336-9266 or via e-mail at The product is available in four formulations, including the Extra Strength Tincture, the Standard Urbani SARS Formula, the Extra Strength Homeopathic, and a nasal spray. The first three are prescribed the same way: "Apply nine drops under the tongue three times per day for up to nine days."

Because the proprietary formulas are not toxic in the manufactured amounts, the dosage does not have to be reduced for children, although the homeopathic remedy is especially recommended for young children and infants. Costs for the two-ounce bottles are extremely reasonable compared to the risky antiviral drugs and steroids currently prescribed for SARS.
The products may be ordered at:
or by calling toll-free at 1-888- 508-4787.

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