
The war: a tool of capitalist repression.

patc, Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 22:43

Sophie Vaillancourt

The war: a tool of capitalist repression.

For Raymond Legault from the coalition, Échec à la guerre ("Failure in the war") who organized the large manifestations in the winter and the spring against the war on Iraq threatened by the U.S. and its allies, the difference between a dictatership and democracy is that in the first one they tell you to shut up and in the second one they tell you to keep talking. The proof is that the demonstrations didn`t stop the war.
The activist participated in the workshop "War and Globalization" at UQAM, yesterday. It is Iraq`s oil that subsidizes the WTO. And it is the WTO that urges governments to increase their military expenditures. To impose "democracy" in Iraq, the United States military is spending about four billion dollars a month on the war, an unacceptable way of improving the gross domestic product of the country. A director of Lockheed Martin (the largest arms producer in the U.S.) said that when he sees the stars in his company`s logo, he sees them as stars of the American flag.

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