
O CANADA! Another Peace Activist and WITNESS detained and REMOVED!

Anonyme, Friday, July 18, 2003 - 12:54


Israel gets rid of another International Peace Activist: Ask yourself why Israel would want one less WITNESS and promoter of PEACEFUL solutions?

Patricia Katagiri, a team member of the International Women's Peace
Service (IWPS) and a member of the Canada Palestine Support Network
(CanPalNet), was forcibly detained and refused entry to the West Bank
and Israel on July 10, 2003 by Israeli officials.

Katagiri lives in Langley, British Columbia and recently spoke of her
experiences living in the West Bank at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood
House in Vancouver. Ms Katagiri was held against her will at a detention
centre at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. On July 11, 2003 she was forced to
board a departing Alitalia flight.

"Israel has something to hide," Katagiri said. "the violent ugly face of
the occupation. The so-called Road Map to Peace calls for international
observers in the West Bank and Gaza, yet the Israeli government is
increasingly closing its boarders to observers while it continues to
steal Palestinian land and water and deny Palestinian basic human
rights. Canadians have the right to know about this and we
have to demand our government force Israel to uphold international law
and implement UN resolutions calling for an end to the occupation."

The International Women's Peace Service
is an organization which goes into areas of the world where there are
massive, violent human rights abuses occurring. The Canada Palestine
Support Network works to bring together Canadians of all backgrounds to
support the human, national and democratic rights of the Palestinian

For further information contact:


Contact the Canadian government and the Israeli ambassador to protest
her forcible detention and deportation:

Government of Canada:
Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hon. Bill Graham
House of Commons, Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-996-3443
Phone: (613) 995-1851

Prime Minister, The Right Hon. Jean Chretien
Fax: (613) 941-6900
Phone:(613) 992-4211

Your local MP
House of Commons, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa ON K1A
0A6, phone, fax
email MPs by following the links at

Israeli Representative in Canada:
Ambassador Haim Divon, Embassy of Israel, 50 O'Connor
Street Suite
Ottawa ON K1P 6L2,
Phone: 613-567-6450
Fax: 613-237-8865

Enclosed official addresses. On behalf of Peace and this small but dedicated group International Women's Peace Service Please Write!

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