
Never Forget The Ovens Of Auschwitz

Anonyme, Saturday, May 31, 2003 - 18:34


The man has no shame. First, he uses an aircraft carrier to pull off a frat boy photo op to strut around the deck in a flight suit. Now today, he violates the ground
consecrated by the blood of millions in visiting the Auschwitz Memorial in another photo op.

Never Forget The Ovens Of Auschwitz

May 31, 2003

From the Streets of Little Beirut

Glen Yeadon

The man has no shame. First, he uses an aircraft carrier to pull off a frat boy photo op to strut around the deck in a flight suit. Now today, he violates the ground
consecrated by the blood of millions in visiting the Auschwitz Memorial in another photo op.

Those who survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps say that the final words of many inmates before death were there is money in a Switzerland bank. In
a mountain of inhumanity the dying had a vain hope their family would recover the money. The name of the bank or account number was rarely given, as the dying
did not fully trust the strangers around his deathbed.

President Clinton initiated a wide-ranging program, releasing thousands of classified documents on WWII and the Holocaust. Included in Clinton’s program was the
settlement of dormant and unclaimed accounts. Point man for the Clinton team was Eizenstat. Eizenstat pushed hard for a just settlement despite the opposition from
Swiss banks. Unfortunately, the legalities dragged on into the final weeks of the Clinton administration. During the final week of Clinton’s administration, those
representing the victims of the Holocaust were pressed hard to settle for lesser settlement. They realized that George W. Bush didn’t receive any of the Jewish vote
and the incoming administration had given up on them.

No amount of money can ever compensate those that suffered within the concentration camps. Nevertheless, over fifty years since the war ended justice has still
been denied to the victims of Nazi brutality. Moreover, George W. Bush has much more to atone for than what a few faked tears for the camera will appease. In a
previous article, this writer detailed Prescott Bush connections with the Nazis. In fact, Bush’s grandfather Prescott was one of the investors that built Auschwitz.
Prescott even managed a portion of the slave labor at the camp. Prescott was rewarded with some of the gold pulled from the mouths of the dead before their
bodies were thrown in the crematorium after it had been resmelted by Degussa.

However, Prescott’s investment in Silesian American Corporation extended much further. Prescott was also the president of Union Bank and through his connection
with the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart; Prescott served as Hitler’s banker in the United States. While German bankers Walter Funk and Emil Puhl faced trials
at Nuremberg, Prescott went free.

The Bush family ties to the Nazis do not stop here. Prescott also played a large role in the American eugenics movement that served as the basis for the Nazis racial
laws. Further, the Nazi connections extend through the generations in the Bush family.

George, the poppy as chairman of the Republican Party set up the Ethnic Heritage groups within the party. Briefly, these groups were nothing short of havens for
ex-Nazis. Members of these ethnic groups from Eastern Europe were deliberately imported into the United States by Allen Dulles. Dulles and Richard Nixon
viewed them as very useful and reliable in getting out the vote. During the election campaign of George the elder, several members of his campaign staff had to resign
once their past Nazi backgrounds had been exposed, including Laszlo Pastor, a war criminal of the former Arrow Cross in Hungary.

A few faked tears for the camera, a wreath and a few long stem roses will not atone the Bush family of its role in the Holocaust.

Never Forget the Ovens of Auschwitz


Never Forget who Built the Ovens of Auschwitz.

Link to the article: George Bush, Auschwitz & Gold Fillings ( )

Link to the online book: Nazi Hydra in America ( )

The man has no shame. First, he uses an aircraft carrier to pull off a frat boy photo op to strut around the deck in a flight suit. Now today, he violates the ground consecrated by the blood of millions in visiting the Auschwitz Memorial in another photo

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