
Act now in solidarity with TV Boycott

Anonyme, Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 20:41

Michael D. Kowalski

Help America boycott its way out of its TV induced slumber. Lend your voice to our cause.

Announce your solidarity with TV Boycott

The American people watched a different war on television than the rest of the world. Our sterilized vision of war is producing a nation desensitized to the suffering of others. Please help us change the content of American television.

On May 5, 2003 we ask you to announce your solidarity with TV Boycott's -Boycott the News- campaign.

We are putting all those that profit from access to the public airwaves on notice that we won't tolerate biased and censored news any longer. Our politicians may be able to ignore those who opposed this war but corporations cannot.

We are one world. It is time to start using the consumer power of globalization in ways its architects never intended. It is time now to boycott.

Go to for more details. We will keep trying until we get it right. Please participate in our Work In Action.

Ghandi -Become the change you want to see in the world.-

Thank you.

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