
Brasil: Hundreds of Radios Closed

PML, Friday, May 2, 2003 - 11:24

Indymedia & IMC-Brasil

In an unprecedented offensive against free and community radios, Brazil's new elected "leftist" government has closed hundreds of small stations. Proportionally, more radios have been closed during Worker's Party three months government than any other government in Brazilian history. In Sao Paulo alone, over one hundred radios have been closed.

Read: Brasil: Neoliberalism with a "Human Face"by Michel Chossudovsky

In an unprecedented offensive against free and community radios, Brazil's new elected "leftist" government has closed hundreds of small stations. Proportionally, more radios have been closed during Worker's Party three months government than any other government in Brazilian history. In Sao Paulo alone, over one hundred radios have been closed. In Pelotas, near Porto Alegre, all of the city's 16 community radios were closed. Community radio activists all over the country are mobilizing to pressure government to give more concessions to community radios. Free radio activists are doing protests demanding an end to repression. Radios are usually closed by heavily armed Federal Police agents and equipment has been illegally apprehended. Federal government says it can do nothing since the Federal Agency for Communication (ANATEL) is independent. ANATEL says they are only abiding by the law and that is up to the government to make any law change.

In the first three months of the Lula government, more community radios were closed than in any three months of the FHC (Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lula's predecessor) government. There is great indignation on the part of organisations campaigning for media democratisation and events are being called for to increase institutional pressure on the government. On 5th May, there will be a public audience at the office of Procuradoria da Republica, in Rio de Janeiro. From 19th to 24th May, there will be a Community Radios Week at town hall São Paulo. On 21st May in Brasília, community radio stations will meet the working group formed by the Ministry of Communication to speed up the regularisation of radio stations.
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