
U.S. Pentagon to Cancel Military Journalim Training Under Mounting Protests

Anonyme, Thursday, April 17, 2003 - 21:42

The U.S. Pentagon will cancell its Military Journalism program at the elite Newhouse School of Journalism (Syracuse University, USA) under mounting student protest of campus wargames.

The Pentagon will cancell its Military Journalism program at the elite Newhouse School of Journalism under mounting student protest of campus wargames.

Pentagon Campus Wargames Challenged

Military photo program canceled

By Chris Maguire, Thursday, April 17, 2003
The Daily Orange, Syracuse University

"The Military Visual Journalism Program, sponsored by the Department of Defense and conducted in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications has come to an end after a 40-year relationship with Syracuse University.

After wrapping up at the end of this semester, the program will not return to SU, or anywhere else, for Fall 2003. Dow Smith, a professor in Newhouse and director of the Military Visual Journalism Program at SU, believes the Department of Defense may be searching for new avenues in which to continue the program."


The Visual Military Journalism Program has come under scrutiny recently from student organizations, such as the Student Environmental Action Coalition and Student Peace Action Network. In February, SPAN issued an e-mail noting that Newhouse and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, host of the National Security Studies program, were " involved in military war gaming on campus in preparation of bombing the Iraqi people."

Much of the criticism of the Military Visual Photo Journalism Program stems from the belief that the public communication schools and the government work hand in hand to shape the way the American public sees the news.

"That doesn't bode well for the future of Fox News," said SEAC member Jake Eichten, an undecided freshman in The College of Arts and Sciences. "

For whole story...


SEAC students spend week camping out on the Quad to protest war, military programs on campus

By Amy McKeever, The Daily Orange
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Wednesday, April 16, 2003

The days of warmth so far this week have brought many Syracuse students out to the Quad to bask in the sun — something that the weather hasn’t permitted in months. And, although the Quad was about as crowded as the Jersey Shore in June on Tuesday afternoon, one group of students stood out above the rest.

Tents, chairs, blankets and a huge sandwich board listing the human death toll of the war in Iraq mark the spot on the Quad that the Student Environmental Action Coalition has taken over for protest purposes. Sunday night, SEAC launched a week-long protest against the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs National Security Studies program. Approximately 30 members, on rotating shifts, are a part of this effort."

for rest of story

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