
The Lycaeum Launches New Alternative War News Portal Site

Anonyme, Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 20:48


Lycaeum International, Inc., announced today the launch of Lycaeum War News, an alternative news portal

The Lycaeum Launches New Alternative War News Portal Site
United States, March 25 - /BS NewsWire/ --

Lycaeum International, Inc., announced today the launch of Lycaeum War News, an alternative news portal that allows conscious, intelligent human beings to penetrate the endless onslaught of misinformation, deceit, & propaganda pumped out by the mainstream media's parroting puppet underlings during America's war(s).

The official reasoning behind the American government's demands that the mainstream media outlets censor their news is to protect the security of the Allied Force(s). It has become increasingly apparent as the war goes on that the real reason behind the clamp-down on information is to manufacture the consent of the American people and to control the 'public mind'.

Information that does not further US military objectives does not qualify as news. The Pentagon has systematically seized control of the press in this country by using "embedded" war correspondents who report as cheerleaders that use military terminology, by making public demands to restrict stories which reveal the tragedies of war, by scripting press briefings at the White House where top "journalists" read pre-approved questions, and by branding un-biased reporting as anti-American. As justification for this behaviour, the main media outlets trumpet pseudo-scientific opinion polls. The results of these polls are taken from very small groups of American citizens who are contacted by telephone from a pre-established list and are nothing more than propaganda.

For the first time in history, the American people have the means to access factual information during a major geopolitical conflict. The Lycaeum War News is a valuable tool for finding these resources.
If you would like to participate in collecting relevant data for this project, please contact Please distribute this notice to interested parties through e-mail lists, instant messaging, web sites and by word of mouth.

"I watch the Fox News Channel, because they're unbiased and support the war 100 percent."
-Michael Crane, Systems Analyst

People turning to Internet for war news

US media treads Government line

The US media: propagandists for a criminal war

Europeans flock to al-Jazeera,12823,921694,00.html

Media Inducted into the Military

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