

Anonyme, Wednesday, March 26, 2003 - 17:10


some words from the NarcoNews journalist Al Giordano that could inspire us today to reclaim the Media and specially the TVs:

“The Commercial Media still talks about the so-called "Fall of the Berlin Wall." But the Fall of the Wall was an aftershock to the earthquake that had already happened. What happened to make the Soviet fall? The people in the Soviet Bloc countries took back the TV stations first. That - and not the halls of government - was the seat of Power.

There were amazing scenes from those days in which masses of people invaded the TV stations and began to stand in front of the camera as working people, students, housewives, poor people, people who never went to college and who had never been inside a TV station. And they began to tell their stories of life under those regimes on camera, live, on the air, to their nations.

That moment - when the State TV stations fell to the masses - was the moment when the Soviet Bloc fell. Only later was the Berlin Wall destroyed.

some words from the NarcoNews journalist Al Giordano that could inspire us today to reclaim the Media and specially the TVs:

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